After some surgery, I’ve been at home resting and looking out of my living room window. I happened to see a cardinal eating from the bird feeder in my neighbor’s yard. I always see cardinals as the seasons changed, and they always whisk me to another dreamy zone. I am captivated by their color and songs. I love cardinals and hummingbirds, they continually rescue me from the mundane and add a natural sparkle to my surroundings.
I dipped into some of the work I’ve done in the last couple of weeks, and this little darling came to the rescue! Color enriches life and this Cardinal Goddess has given way to spring time happiness! Just what a girl needs to perk her up!
Dip into and Enjoy the Spring, it’s finally here and in color!
Always in peace.
(Note: I removed the actual Cardinal Goddess picture, because it may have been infected with malware, and Google reported indigeneart as suspicious; the site is currently under review for the warning to be removed, and I will re-upload the image at a later time. Thanks for all the comments!)
Vicki Smith said
I love cardinals, too. What a clever way of working in two Illustration Friday prompts! Hope that you are well on your way to full recovery!
Ces said
Happy Easter to you. I just scrolled through your series. My you have been busy. How exciting to produce a series of work associated with rich folklore. What fun. The colors are so rich and bold! I hope you feel better soon. Rest up and entertain yourself with art. What could be better!
joshpincusiscrying said
Sweet! Terrific painting!
Cardinals… that's sort of baseball.
ljcillustration said
I totally agree, color does enrich life as does your Cardinal Goddess. Thanks for all the Illustration Friday comments you have left over the weeks, they are most welcome.
Krista Hamrick said
So beautiful and inspiring as always, Indigene! Speedy recovery!
Marcella Nordbeck said
Beautiful and inspiring!
Nicola Toms said
Wow! She is beautiful, I love the bright colours, really lovely piece!
Thank you for your visit today too and your lovely words hope you are feeling better:0)
valerie lorimer said
Love this! And I adore cardinals – they remind me of my dear grandmother who's gone now. They were her favorite bird.
brine blank said
Nice colors on this and idea…get well!
heidi aldin said
The colors in this are so vibrant. As many cardinals as I have seen I'm always captivated by their beauty. Hummingbirds are so illusive, I feel very lucky to catch a glimpse of one!
Deb Clandening said
Cardinal goddess is beautiful. I hope you have a speedy recoverey.The red is lovely with your blue sky.
heidi aldin said
The colors in this are so vibrant. As many times as I've seen cardinals, I'm still amazed by their beauty. Hummingbirds are so illusive, I feel very lucky when I catch a glimpse of one.
valgalart said
mmmmm! magnificent colour and sentiment! Cardinal girl is amazing and vibrant, i would like to fly with her 😉
heather said
This is lovely. The Cardinal is one of my favorite birds. Their color can light up a dark day. Hope you are feeling better after your surgery.
TMartin said
Wonderful bright colors!
ellen byrne said
Exciting, timely and wonderfully rendered!
John York said
Hi Indigene! Thank s for contacting me! I stopped posting on Illustration Friday because I got an e-mail from the people who run it chastising me for not "staying inside the lines" in so many words and I thought I didn't belong there so I've stayed away. I'm sure it was a blanket e-mail to everyone but I felt offended by it.
I hope you are mending and getting stronger after your time under doctors' care! You are always so upbeat and kind… it is alwys a delight to read your blog and especially to hear from you!
I'm glad you are getting some warm Spring weather in P.A.!
John (Random)
Nancy said
I love how your strokes are so visible – makes it easy to imagine seeing you actually painting them! If you happen to have a camera lying around, I'd love to see you in action! 🙂