I’ve been experimenting a lot in these last couple of months, trying to achieve my balance between incorporating abstract shapes, color compositions, figures, words and themes.I’ve gone through lots of paper, paints, and canvases. IΒ think I’m beginning to get something Β of substance throughout this for myself.
I’ve always been into portraiture art (very stylized of course!), so it’s been challenging to say the least to explore abstractionism, which I experiment with using collage paper.
I’ve been a slave to portraiture for my whole adult life. I don’t really consider what I’ve been doing as a pure form of abstractionism, but rather as a decorative attempt to merge my figures into a reality that is not concrete.
When you work in abstract form, you need to let intuition be your guide; your need to keep yourself open to what your unconscious is willing to show you. I had a hard time trying to make my hands available to my inner depths, my rational side still gets the best of me. I don’t think I am that open wide yet, but I keep on trying.
I’ve been exploring mixed media as well, trying to marry all of my explorations and love into something new. I’m starting to incorporate it all. I do not want to ever be bound by one thing, but to all the artistic rhythm that surrounds me. No longer a slave to one way, but to an eclectic rhythm.
My goal is to bring my portraiture, abstraction, symbolism with archetypes into more mixed media formats. I feel, I’ve been doing it little by little. working with collage elements, art journaling, drawings and paint. Nervously, putting bits and pieces of my work out there. I want this figurative work to be more expressiveness and enhance the spirit that exist when I create. My venture into collaging more, adds a depth, that painting alone for me can no longer satisfy.
I want to continue with themes, since it’s what I am really into and what I really enjoy doing, exploring metaphysical themes, myths, archetypes, folklore, the human spirit, these fields continue to fascinate me and the imagery is infinite.
So stick with me, as I develop and grow, as I will with you; it is our journey…together…growing
From my wildly passionate creative soul to yours in peace.
Deanna said
It can be challenging to change up the way we do things even in our art but it gives us such an opportunity to grow and expand. I really enjoy seeing how this process is unfolding for you!
Indigene said
Thanks Deanna! It’s always amazing that once we grow, we always look back on these challenges and say, to ourselves, “why were we so challenged by this? It’s the process of growth. Thanks for stopping by.
Jeanie said
I love that you’re hungry for the depths Indigene. Multi layered artwork sure answers to that complexity of the human spirit and richness of the stories told through time. I love following you down your spiraling path. Beautiful piece you have posted here!
Indigene said
Thanks Jeanie! I also think that multi-layered art work in portraiture, speaks to the complicated things that make us human. Thanks for stopping by and giving me your wonderful feedback! π
kimpdx said
Experimentation is so good for stretching our creative muscles, but you are right that it is challenging sometimes. I love what you're doing and that you are sharing your journey. I also love the beautiful woman with the magnificent headdress! Lovely, colorful, rich work there. I'm looking forward to seeing where your explorations take you!
Indigene Art Forms said
Thanks so much Kim! When change is happening, one can get so caught up in it, it's hard to see beyond the challenge of change; even more scary to put it out there, especially if it's ever changing! So thank you for your encouragement and kind words. π
Julia said
Vibrant colors and words! Beautifull!
Indigene said
Julia, welcome and stops so much for stopping by and commenting! I really appreciate it. π
Jill Marie said
I LOVE what you said here…"I do not want to ever be bound by one thing, but to all the artistic rhythm that surrounds me. No longer a slave to one way, but to an eclectic rhythm."
Wow that is Gold for all aspects of life isn't it…thank you. Off to sleep with that profound insight in my heart π
Indigene Art Forms said
Jill, you always inspire me, so I'm happy that you found a bit of insight here! π You're wonderful and thanks again! π
RitaJC said
Thanks for sharing a piece of your journey!
Indigene said
Rita, you’re always welcome here! π
Amy O'Toole said
Oh wow, I really love what you are doing here! It is so fun to experiment and play. I am a huge fan of color and collage. Your portrait made with these elements looks fantastic!
Indigene said
Amy, thank you so much for your encouragement! It means so much to me! π
tami chacon said
Indigene- I love this – Eclectic rhythm! That describes me to a T. We are always growing, evolving. I can't wait to see more of your journey.
Indigene said
Thanks so much, Tami! It’s wonderful to know that there are more artists like us! π Being an artist is a blessing and gift; since it’s one of those fields that you will never learn all that there is to it; and I find that to be wonderful! π Thanks for stopping by!
Etalia said
Wow! Your article is amazing. We are all slave to something. The blessing is being able to identify that "something" and work towards growth as you are and we all must do. I am glad I was able to stop by, and the art is beautiful. Keep growing and moving towards that extraordinarily wonderful place as you discover all the gifts within!
Indigene said
Wow! Thanks Etalia! It’s been a long time. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your wonderful comments; it means so much to me! I hope we can get together soon. π