Freedom and flexibility are two of my highest values. I like to feel my life is free and off the clock (e.g., the same routine daily at work or eating the same thing every week does not appeal to me and it's hard to get me to commit to social outings.) Which is why I have the best of friends, they truly understand me! What I do invest in, is meeting deadlines; never being late and making plans (doesn't mean I always do them, but I meet them with enthusiasm and a "Can-do" attitude.) What I have found is that my number one value FREEDOM, does not work in creating art. With all the freedom of subject matter, materials and ideas, the ... Continue Reading »
Family, Friends, and Life
The Imperfect Signs of the Perfectionist
As an artist there are a "few" struggles, but to me, none so great as being a perfectionist! It is the shadow part of many artistic endeavors. It is the thing that holds many artists and would-be artists back. It stops us from putting our art out there, from starting something new, from beginning and from showing up to our creativity! As you can tell, I feel a certain way about this. It's has been and sometimes continue to be one of my greatest struggle! I found this article to be very helpful for any creative who strives for perfection! From my passionate creative soul to yours in peace.... 5 Imperfect Signs of the ... Continue Reading »
It's been a busy time for me; creating new works in the studio taking a couple of online classes and de-cluttering my bedroom! All in all a productive time. I've also been connecting with my friends more, both on-line and in person, I guess warm weather and sunshine is a great motivator. A couple of weeks ago, an amazing woman, Deanna Jinjoe, from A New Day Art Studio invited me to participate in a Blog Tour, one that's been going on for a while, with many wonderful studios involved! So in order to participate, I'll answer a few questions and then introduce the next couple of ladies who will continue on the Blog Tour. So here we ... Continue Reading »
How To Decide Whether an Online Course is for You…
I've taken quite a few online classes; some fantastic and some just mediocre. What I have learned is that not every class and every person teaching a class is necessarily going to benefit you or be a great fit for you! My fellow blogger from the UK, Tara Leaver of Tara Leaver, Art Words & Creative Encouragement has written a wonderful blog post, "how to decide whether an online course is for you." So instead of repeating the information, she's written, I suggest you head over there and check out this informative blog post. You can always come back over here and let me know what you think and please tell Tara I sent you over! ... Continue Reading »
Continual Starts…
I totally underestimated the force of transition, change, and new starts; and that's what's been happening around here. My heart and my soul is waiting to exhale! And I definitely didn't anticipate how hard it would be to move and change our lifestyle. We have poured so much of ourselves into our children and the nest that is our home in the last twenty years. I've moved a lots of times, as a child and as an adult, yet this time was very different. We are rebuilding our lives back into a couple, which is very different from working as a family unit. We are now, parents to, two adult children, who have grieved the loss of parents, ... Continue Reading »
Very Inspiring Blog Award!
Wow! I am happily honored and excited! The wonderful Becky in Burma, an amazing blogger and world traveler nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Super Thanks Becky. These are the Rules for Accepting the Very Inspiring Blogger Award Display the award logo on your blog. Link back to the person who nominated you. State 7 things about yourself. (see below) Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them. (see below) Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements. Seven Things About Me (since I can't count, I did Ten Things) I was born on New Year's Day! I love World Music and I ... Continue Reading »
Weathering Storms
The last few days, were total chaos, preparing for Super Storm Sandy. The storm has come and is slowly ebbing away, and we who have been affected by it, are scrambling in recovery mode. Mother Nature has once again, let us know who the boss is. I came across a quotation, that sums up the last few days for me and I'm sure for other, too, "You never know how strong you are... until being strong is the only choice you have". - Cayla Mills Storms test us and our nature and they always leave me a bit wiser. Hoping that all my friends and family have weathered the storm, safely, sending you all hugs and love! ... Continue Reading »