My imagination has been on overdrive this week! Creating my own pages for my Book of Days Art Journal and creating pages for the "Gratitude Art Journal" Give-Away. I wanted the pages for the give-away to be different from my everyday art journaling efforts, but still have plenty of the bold colors, I'm known for. Below are some of the pages, I've completed for the Gratitude Art Journal. Next, I will be adding text to the pages, but also leaving room for the winner to add whatever they'd like to the journal as well, once they receive it. This is going to be a sweet, deliciously colorful journal, if I must say so myself! :) So in order to get ... Continue Reading »
Family, Friends, and Life
Gratitude Journal – Give Away!
I am creating a "Gratitude Art Journal." The journal will be filled with art, collages, quotes and affirmations about gratitude. The journal will have all kind of embellishment and colors, with plenty of room for your journal entries and/or entries of gratitude. Once it's completed, I will be giving it away! So in order to get this Gratitude Art Journal all you have to do is leave a comment here about what you're grateful for and/or "like" my Facebook page at: (you also get to see my art journaling pages on my FB page). If you leave a comment and like my FB Page, you will get two entries and for those of ... Continue Reading »
Bounce Back
The last few weeks have been an incredibly busy time for me. I've finished (15) paintings in three weeks, while I continue working and being part of an Artist Mentoring Program. I am art journaling in a new altered book that has me reaching deep into the well of inspiration and creativity, adding new items to my Etsy Shop and still dealing with the now smaller waves of grief that come to me since the loss of my sister and mother. With all of these feelings running rampant, I'm breathing deeply, meditating, indulging in active self-care and lots of family and friends' love. I'm loving the becoming and realizing that I'm absolutely the Queen of ... Continue Reading »
Art Journaling
It's been a while, since I blogged. I've been very busy, family, friends, relationships, struggles, decisions, you know all the things that we do to keep living...fully! I was working on my "Grandmother Elder Series" and I hit a block, not a mortar block, but a creative one, so I had to take it to my journal, to process it! I've been journaling since my teens, and incorporating my art in my journals since about 2003/4. It's where I go to talk to myself. So after weeks of being in the journal, I'm ready to go back to working on my series. What I realized is during this time is that, although I'm creatively blocked at times, I always create ... Continue Reading »
Blog Intention
First, on the art front, I've been featured in the Arts and Aesthetics Collective Magazine: (pages 41 - 56) Now for other stuff...I have been stretched to the limits in many areas of life, I can't believe it's been a month, since I last posted! I like my blogging time to be meaningful; not just putting in one liners out there in social media. Please, don't get me wrong, I love chatting with my friends on Facebook/Twitter, but I'm finding that it takes away from my time here and that's not my intention. Maintaining social media sites, takes a lot of time and effort, in an already ... Continue Reading »
Moving Forward…
January has been a month of digging, in the tough and challenging consciousness. Ever since I chose the word "courage" as my word for the year, I've been battling some big fears and learning to trust my intuitive voice completely. It's the same fears, I battle when the darkness of winter I strong enough, confident enough, financially secure, smart enough, helpful enough, generous enough, doing enough...? My rituals and spirituality keep me nurtured. My family keeps me cocooned, safe and loved. As always in the dark nights of the soul, the light comes through, reminding me that there is balance and that fears will always be there, ... Continue Reading »
Highlights of 2011
My intention, for 2011 was ABUNDANCE and that was felt on many levels. The Highs and Lows of my 2011 year: 1.) I RESOLVE TO PROMOTE MYSELF SHAMELESSLY. (Those of you who read my blogs, encountered me on Facebook and Twitter know this is true! :) I also handed out many business cards and postcards during 2011. 2.) I RESOLVE TO CULTIVATE A GREAT WEBSITE. Well, it's great website to me! My wonderful webmaster son and I spent an enormous amount of time on it, updating it! (© 2011 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - Frontview of my 2011 journals). 3.) I RESOLVE TO CONTINUE OPERATING WITH COMPLETE INTEGRITY. This was done a 100% of the time and gave me ... Continue Reading »