I am in the middle of a summer night's dream, of the mind, body and spirit. I am trying to wrap my mind around the concept of the spirit leaving the body. It's not something that I can articulate well at this point, and maybe I never will. ("Mind Body & Spirit" - Mixed Media/Paper) My sweet little sister, Renee is in hospice, that is really all I can say now. My dreams are filled with surrender, an outpouring of love and a deep hole of sadness. So on these midsummer nights, I try to understand, believe and sustain faith. May the God you believe in, give you the peace of mind, that can surround the body, so that the soul may be released. ... Continue Reading »
Family, Friends, and Life
A Different Kind of Beginning
I sit today, at the hospital with my Mum, spending time with her. I sit as if, I am awaiting for the beginning of a concerto, I know it will be bring me to tears, but it will also give me a sense of peace and beauty. My mother's faith is great, as she always says, "everything begins, with the true maestro." "Waiting For the Maestro" Oil/Canvas 40"x30" ... Continue Reading »
Honor The Women In Your Life
For those of you who are blessed to have your mother, May 8th, is a day that is recognized to honor her. if you are like most, you honor this woman every day of her life, by living your life in a way, that she would want you to. For those of us, whose mothers have transitioned out of this life, this can be a bittersweet day. We remember her with love, and then remember, that she is no longer with us. We continue her legacy by living our lives with integrity and the lessons she taught us. Some of us may not have any of those memories above. You may be one of those courageous women, who did it alone, then you are to be ... Continue Reading »
There is not one aspect of life that does not require a journey. It may be the physical act of a journey, a mental journey, an emotional journey or a spiritual journey. It is a fact, that a learning process can be had by any and all journeys, you just need to be open to the lesson(s). Make all your journeys count, because in life, destination always looms big before you. May all your journeys lead you to your ultimate self actualization. Peace to you and yours. ... Continue Reading »
Duet – The Real Dance
Illustration Friday is a wonderful outlet to get artists creating on a weekly basis. It gives a word prompt, every week. This week the word is "duet." Hmmm...I'm sure that word does bring about songs, music, dances, couples and possibly love. It does for me, too! But, I took a little detour from the traditional visual. What comes to my mind is the "duet" of our inner and outer selves. You, know that duet, that dance! It's the duet we do when we present one self to the world and keep that protected, vulnerable, beautiful self, well hidden. We all dance this duet with ourselves moment-to-moment. Now take a breath, slow and deep...I would ... Continue Reading »
Family Time – Toy days no more!
There use to be a time when she and I would have days and days of play time, where all we would do is create art projects and play with toys: Barbies, Legos, Puzzles, Games, watch "Little Bear and Land Before Time". Now I have to steal time for pixs and hugs! No illustration or painting can stand up against my beautiful creation except her brother, my first beautiful creation! This Saturday is strictly family time, I'm hoping for a few good snuggles...:) Happy Saturday! Be with the ones you love, if not call them! Peace to you and yours! ... Continue Reading »
After a busy work week and plenty of snow to shovel, it's nice to surrender to the weekend! For me that's spending family time together and reading. This weekend it will be a fantasy novel. Ahhhh...to surrender to a peaceful weekend....Peace Title: "Serene Mermaid" -Size: 11"x5.5" - Media: Mixed ... Continue Reading »