I am focused on: "The Healing Power of Art!" "Art has and continues to illuminate me, through creating, sharing; meeting with others to view it, inspire, affirm and celebrate. Creating art lights my path to soul revival. It has nurtured me and help me understand myself, therefore giving me the capacity to understand others. It is the physical peace in my storms" Manhattan Arts International's "Celebrate The Healing Power of Art 2010" is based on the belief that Art is a natural force that promotes health and well-being for the creator as well as the viewer. Renee Phillips, Director of Manhattan Arts International, is organizing an online ... Continue Reading »
Family, Friends, and Life
I'm just getting back from Arizona! The Grand Canyon was amazing as was seeing my son and spending time with family! It was a wonderful vacation! Happy New Year & Peace to everyone! ... Continue Reading »
Professional Fine Artist Network
For you, fine artist bloggers, I've found another great place for professional artists to network and to promote themselves. No, pFAn (their acronym) is not paying me for the advertising plug, I think of it as another way to promote yourself, if you're an artist and it's free until the end of the year! We artists, who are depending on our livelihood, should check it out. I'm an artist that shares and every artist has something to share and the world is big enough for all of us to do so. Professional Artist Network is a networking index for fine artists and consultants working in the hospitality, healthcare, corporate and public art ... Continue Reading »
I keep believing in hope and putting my trust in love and praying to God, that the "unbalanced" that plagues my dear ones (cancer) will disappear and the light will hold us and be with us. It is an unbalanced, much like a walk on a tightrope, that I'm finding hard to bear. I pray for all of you who cope with this and know that hope springs eternal. Peace. ... Continue Reading »
Autumn Bliss!
I'm in the studio finishing up Autumn projects and basking in the glow of Fall's fabulous, beautiful and rich colors. Enjoy everyday of this season!! Peace to you all. ... Continue Reading »
A Chain of Sharing & Caring
Bella Sinclair Award - This award is a token of inspiration for other artists out there to continue sharing their wonderful talent because there are people out there who truly cares. Yoon See is an incredibly thoughtful and sweet artist, and her work is shines with her personality, brilliance and fun. She has so many different and wonderful styles! ****** I received the Bella Sinclair Award on the left from Cheryl Lynn, a phenomenal woman woman who's loving spirit snatches you right up from the start! So Cheryl, my dear, thank you, thank you! The award was created by Ces ,for Bella Sinclair who is a wonderful artist whose husband passed away ... Continue Reading »
Shaky – IF
Shaky = tending to shake or tremble; liable to break down or give way. Two weeks in a row, the IF prompt has hit home! Ahhh...the irony, of it all. Right now, with limited time and very blocked artistic ability, I thought of the epitome of shakiness... blocks. The precariousness of them, much like life! The joy of playing with blocks and the scariness of them falling over. Child's play is often a metaphor for life. This week, let's play, because life is shaky enough. Peace. ... Continue Reading »