This is the first thought I had when I read the prompt for this week. I do not have time to add color, but I think the general idea is there and I needed a gentle way back. When I was a new Mom, I often wondered who's craving was bigger? Mine to give milk or my babies to receive. I think it was a mutuality that turned to love. It brings a whole new meaning to the question, Is it better to give or receive? I'm happy to be back after a much needed break! Peace to you all as you give and receive this week. ... Continue Reading »
Family, Friends, and Life
I’m Back!!
I'm back! I needed a break from writing for a while. I will start blogging again at Illustration Friday, starting tomorrow. I'm a little rusty, but hopefully, practice will help! Thank you wonderful friends, for checking in on me. I want to start my welcome back with a thank you to the lovely Madonna Davidoff for her sweet award! Thank you Madonna (, it looks like you had a fabulous trip! There are so many lovely blogs out there, I couldn't think of only (15) to pass it along to, so I ask all my blog friends and you know who you are, to come by and pick up this award! YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST! Peace always...:) ... Continue Reading »
Thank you all for your wonderful messages and prayers! These are somewhat difficult times for me in so many areas and I need some time to just think, weep and process. I just wanted to say a "BIG THANK YOU" to all those who have written and/or called me. Please forgive me for not getting back to you in a timely fashion. I have taken some time off and expect to be back soon. Thank you again! May peace surround you and all that you touch. ... Continue Reading »
The Gift of Awards
My wonderful friend, Yoon See sent me this award! I love awards, they have been given to me as genuine gifts and I really appreciate them. I'm sure the opinions on them are varied, but for me I cherish the ones given to me, because I so admire the folks that are giving them to me. They are tremendous artists in their own right, compassionate people with very generous spirits. So with that, I thank you and bow my head to the lovely, sweet Yoon See, thanks love! With that said, I would like to pass this award along to a couple of folks, there are more, but Yoon See has already given them to most of the very same folks, I would like to give ... Continue Reading »
Renee Award
This wonderful award came from a beautiful, warm spirit named, Bella Sinclair inspired by the kindred spirit of another wonderful person, named Renee Kahn. I don't know if Bella, knows how much this means to me. I have a sister named Renee, who is fighting the "good, hard" fight against breast cancer. This award means so much to me because my sister is very much an acorn, (she's always been, 4'11 and less than 100 lbs); All the beautiful things that Bella wrote reminds me of my little sister, Renee and her tough little acorn spirit! So for this I thank you Bella, and to you my dear little sister Renee, you are this award, before, now and ... Continue Reading »
Talisman – IF
Masks are often used as a "talisman" in many cultures around the world. They always fascinate me, with their wealth of symbolism and ancestral markings. At the time, I created this piece, I was trying to find a way, to merge, the body of ancestry that made me..."me". How does one incorporate, Portuguese, Carib, Asian and African, into one equally identifying symbol? Living in a country, where one is identified by race, I wanted as a child, to have something, maybe a "talisman", that I could carry. A symbol that would identify all those people that physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally made me. Maybe, then people would see it and ... Continue Reading »
Sharing An Experience – The Pendle Hill Closing Art Exhibit Reception – March 6, 2009
I get so nervous at my own exhibits! As an introvert, it just about makes me quake in my boots! There were so many wonderful people gathered there, who asked thoughtful questions, ate good food, shared their opinions, enjoyed themselves, bought art and other collectibles! It was a successful night in every sense of the word! It was such a soulful experience to be surrounded by family, friends, patrons, collectors and new acquaintances! Thank you all for an amazing experience. I've posted these pix for all the folks who wanted to come but could not, I wanted to share some of the ambiance of the evening. Enjoy! (c) All Photos courtesy of ... Continue Reading »