Wow! I am happily honored and excited! The wonderful Becky in Burma, an amazing blogger and world traveler nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Super Thanks Becky. These are the Rules for Accepting the Very Inspiring Blogger Award Display the award logo on your blog. Link back to the person who nominated you. State 7 things about yourself. (see below) Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them. (see below) Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements. Seven Things About Me (since I can't count, I did Ten Things) I was born on New Year's Day! I love World Music and I ... Continue Reading »
Featured Artist
Blog Intention
First, on the art front, I've been featured in the Arts and Aesthetics Collective Magazine: (pages 41 - 56) Now for other stuff...I have been stretched to the limits in many areas of life, I can't believe it's been a month, since I last posted! I like my blogging time to be meaningful; not just putting in one liners out there in social media. Please, don't get me wrong, I love chatting with my friends on Facebook/Twitter, but I'm finding that it takes away from my time here and that's not my intention. Maintaining social media sites, takes a lot of time and effort, in an already ... Continue Reading »
Twirling With Excitement!
Well, I'm twirling with excitement! My image, "Gabriel's Horn" (30" x 40" - Oil/Canvas - Sold/Private Collection) is on the cover of Dream Network Journal. Yes, I'm shamelessly happy and wanted to blog about it. I often write about the creative process, post the end results and let you know how I'm feeling! So, it's only appropriate to share my glee here, also! What makes this so exciting is that this painting, marked my ten years of being a professional artist! Much of my work has been derived from dream experiences. So, this weekend, I'm doing the thankful happy dance, anyone want to twirl around with me in thankfulness and happiness? Have ... Continue Reading »
Highlights of 2011
My intention, for 2011 was ABUNDANCE and that was felt on many levels. The Highs and Lows of my 2011 year: 1.) I RESOLVE TO PROMOTE MYSELF SHAMELESSLY. (Those of you who read my blogs, encountered me on Facebook and Twitter know this is true! :) I also handed out many business cards and postcards during 2011. 2.) I RESOLVE TO CULTIVATE A GREAT WEBSITE. Well, it's great website to me! My wonderful webmaster son and I spent an enormous amount of time on it, updating it! (© 2011 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - Frontview of my 2011 journals). 3.) I RESOLVE TO CONTINUE OPERATING WITH COMPLETE INTEGRITY. This was done a 100% of the time and gave me ... Continue Reading »
Illustrator Appreciation Day!
Today, I just wanted to reach out to some of the talented illustrators, that I know. We visit one another, spend time in each other's colorful blog world and reach out to one another with thoughtfulness, warmth and downright gut wrenching laughter! When Linda Hensley, sent me this, I thought it was a good time to do something fun and show my appreciation of these artists. First, I want to thank Linda Hensley, for giving me this award. Linda writes and blogs over at: She's a thoughtful and informative writer and an amazing illustrator. Linda adds value to the blog world! So this wonderful artist has given me ... Continue Reading »
Unveiled: Kesha Bruce – “6×6”
Unveiled: Kesha Bruce - "6x6" As an artist and entrepreneur, I am always looking at unique and successful strategies to promote my art. (Yes, we artists, need to work and promote our art, just like anyone else, trying to financially support themselves in this world, imagine that). So imagine my delight when I met amazing artist, coach and consultant, Kesha Bruce. Kesha. She is one of those individuals who's enthusiasm and no-nonsense approach to promoting one's art is contagious. Kesha's consultation on my self promotion has been rewarding and successful! I wanted to give my blog readers, some new ideas and concepts on how artists ... Continue Reading »
Unlimited Responses – When You Put It Out to the Universe!
It wonderful, when you put something out there in the world! The Universe comes back to you with a multitude of wisdom! I posed my question of "How do you choose what online seminars and webinars to pay for? Do they work? Or do they just make money for the presenters?" I knew that this year, I needed more information on my next steps in my art world! As usual, when we ask a question, we want a quick answers, not thinking that, when I'm posed a question, I think before answering. Here is a wonderful different approach! Maria Brophy, a fabulous art coach, featured my questions, in regard to: Webinars Coaches and Seminars – Are They Worth ... Continue Reading »