The last few weeks have been an incredibly busy time for me. I've finished (15) paintings in three weeks, while I continue working and being part of an Artist Mentoring Program. I am art journaling in a new altered book that has me reaching deep into the well of inspiration and creativity, adding new items to my Etsy Shop and still dealing with the now smaller waves of grief that come to me since the loss of my sister and mother. With all of these feelings running rampant, I'm breathing deeply, meditating, indulging in active self-care and lots of family and friends' love. I'm loving the becoming and realizing that I'm absolutely the Queen of ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
My New & Shiny Video!
I've been journaling with an art journaling group, " Book of Days", which is art journaling for the year of 2012. I generally journal alone, but after setting my intention to be courageous this year; (in March 2012) I decided to share my art journal, individually and as part of a collaborative. Art Journaling everyday, necessitates creative wandering and when I wander, I produce work that is authentically me, through connections that exist only in my mind. This is my way of nurturing my creative self daily. I want my art journaling to act as a healing form for me and to others, in this journey of life. So, in following that road of courage, ... Continue Reading »
Vocal on Courage
Every year I set an intention on some inner work that needs to be done in my life. My word this year is Courage. I've created an art journal to reinforce my the impact of this word in my life and to capture my visualizations of my thoughts on Courage. It would appear, that since I've set this as my intention, there are many challenges calling me to actively live this word! Sometimes, this word calls me to respond quickly; sometimes physically and at times vocally. Other times it calls me to do the most simplest of things; yet, it is something that is the hardest to vocalize out loud. So I do what is the least vocal on the outside for me, ... Continue Reading »
Return to Immediate Gratification
For my instant creative gratification meter, I need quick and fast satisfaction. I attribute my immediacies to my American upbringing...Lol! I journal daily and it takes a lot less time to create something in my journal than it does to create something large (which my art tends to be). I can go to my journal, doodle, sketch, collage and write, to create a page and voila! It's therapeutic, immediate and I don't need retail therapy! Have an amazing weekend as we all go forth courageously in a world where good things are always possible. In peace to you and yours. ©2012 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - 2012 Courage Journal-Mixed Media Collage - Pg. ... Continue Reading »
Yielding to Shades of Self
I've been struggling...there I've said it! Why is that so frightening to say to yourself or others? I think because it's shame-based, to the person who admits it and to those who hear it; or it feels like you're admitting to a character flaw. Many people don't know what to do with the feelings that come with struggles. Neither do I, but I do know that getting it outside of myself, helps me to see it in front of me and allows me to do something about it, instead of letting the struggles roasts me like meat on a rotisserie! I don't need to get in the specifics of the struggles, it is safe enough to say "I have struggles or I'm struggling". I am ... Continue Reading »
Moving Forward…
January has been a month of digging, in the tough and challenging consciousness. Ever since I chose the word "courage" as my word for the year, I've been battling some big fears and learning to trust my intuitive voice completely. It's the same fears, I battle when the darkness of winter I strong enough, confident enough, financially secure, smart enough, helpful enough, generous enough, doing enough...? My rituals and spirituality keep me nurtured. My family keeps me cocooned, safe and loved. As always in the dark nights of the soul, the light comes through, reminding me that there is balance and that fears will always be there, ... Continue Reading »
Twirling With Excitement!
Well, I'm twirling with excitement! My image, "Gabriel's Horn" (30" x 40" - Oil/Canvas - Sold/Private Collection) is on the cover of Dream Network Journal. Yes, I'm shamelessly happy and wanted to blog about it. I often write about the creative process, post the end results and let you know how I'm feeling! So, it's only appropriate to share my glee here, also! What makes this so exciting is that this painting, marked my ten years of being a professional artist! Much of my work has been derived from dream experiences. So, this weekend, I'm doing the thankful happy dance, anyone want to twirl around with me in thankfulness and happiness? Have ... Continue Reading »