Joy comes to me today, from the lovely Lisa Rivas of Flying Colors! She created these wonderful art e-stamps, of which I was a winner! Visit her wonderful website at: and maybe you can become a winner of one of her delightful blog giveaways! Thank you Lisa and once again, Happy Blog Year to You! ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
Time – IF
"Time is running ..." I love Bears, they are my favorite wild animal, especially polar bears. Global warming has put these magnificent wild creatures in danger. So my Illustration Friday piece this week based on the word, "Time" is a tribute to these creatures. Human beings are stewards of the earth, please, let's try to act like it. For more information on endangered species like polar bears, visit: Peace to you and be good to the Earth, it has been very good to us. ... Continue Reading »
Flawed – IF
"In our flawed existence, we seek perfection and it is in our midst.' As an artist, I often try to capture what I have in my mind, but it is never as beautiful, as it is in my mind's eye. That's why I continue struggling as an artist, because one day, I will get it right. Besides, I find beauty in all forms, any and everywhere! Peace to all and warmth to all the folks in frigid cold places. ... Continue Reading »
Pale – IF
When I'm creating, I'm usually in the "zone" as my family calls it! So, in the zone, intense vivid colors catch my attention. So there are very few pale colors in my portfolio at any time. This piece was used for my banner on my first blog. This piece created some time ago, is my ode to pale pastel colors. I like creating in black and white first (either graphite or pen) and then color is built upon that. Many times, I will leave parts of the image in black and white, generally it's the face and I add color to the background or the clothing. It's a style preference for me, but it is also, my experience of how many people view others, in ... Continue Reading »
Contained – IF
This painting was created to show how small, one tries to get when despairing, the hair symbolizes blue emotions, the background colors, show the vividness of life still going on in the midst of those feelings; and how small we try to contained our body when feeling these emotions. It is up to the viewer to imagine why and what is happening to cause the containment and despair. It was created with oil paint, impasto style on wood. It is entitled, "Despair" Emotions are for me, the hardest to contain and I view myself as a container of feelings. Laughter bubbles out easily, contagious and freely from children, it's something adults have ... Continue Reading »
Happy New Year! It's been a year since, I decided to join Illustration Friday ("IF"). I know that there are folks that have been a part of IF for years, and I congratulate them, too! What's really a big deal and funny to me about the whole blog thing, is "I absolutely do not like writing!" So, it has been a major feat for me to continue this weekly. Writing to me, is like speaking in public for some folk...incredibly scary! But, last year, (a year-to-date) I decided to take on one fear at a time, and this was one. Oh, boy, do I have a lot of fears, and after turning 50 years old on January 1. I figured, it will be a lifelong journey to ... Continue Reading »
Clandestine-IF (Last post for 2008)
Hmm...this is my last post for the year, 2008. It has been a year of changes and a year of incomplete tasks. So I thought it fitting that I post my Illustration Friday post, still needing more work. It is much like me, with all it's good intentions and color. Also like me it is quite imperfect. Clandestine is such an odd word to illustrate, but I chose the lighthearted version of the definition, a secret meeting. The first idea, that came to mind, was when my daughter and I visited some good friends in Maine, near Portland, and my daughter and her friend decided to camp out in their backyard. Every time I went to check on the girls, they ... Continue Reading »