From the time I was born to now, there have always been wars; but there were also people who were trying to end discrimination, and trying to be good stewards of the earth. There were so many causes, "voices" trying to be heard. I remember going to various churches, and back then it was the only time I felt calm during those tumultuous times in the USA. As soon as I heard those voices singing, whether it was gospel songs, hymns, chanting or folk songs, it was those voices that gave me peace. So, when I dream of peace, there are always voices involve. My most common dream is a wonderful saxophone playing on its own and voices of people ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
Rambunctious – IF (Illustration Friday)
This little rambunctious darling, decided, that her cat was in need of "bootifying" (beautifying). The precious part to me was how she went on and on about how her baby (the cat) "just gets into everything." All children should be "rambunctious" it's the only time in life when we're "allowed." Now who do you think is the really rambunctious one? This has been a stressful and very busy week for me, so I had to go to an image that was already completed some time ago. Actually, right now I'm finding the adults in my life rather rambunctious and I really don't mean that in a positive light! It's so much more wonderful when it's a rambunctious ... Continue Reading »
Similar – IF
This week for Illustration Friday, I did not have time to come up with a new illustration, so I had to borrow an image I've already created. What can I say? Life is hectic! There are so many ways that people are similar, but unfortunately we have created a history of focusing on negative differences. Maybe...hopefully, in the USA, we are now focusing on the similarities and celebrating all our differences. Oh I am so wishing for this New Year in the United States of America! Peace. ... Continue Reading »
Balloons – IF
What is it about balloons, no matter what size, it screams, "fun?" I would love to see a sky filled with various multicolored balloons, with people waving to each other. Here's to releasing some fun in your life! ... Continue Reading »
Opinion – Illustration Friday
I have never met a woman who didn't have an opinion, but I have met women who are not allowed to share their opinions, or who are thought not to have one. The right to have an opinion and to express it freely is a human right. Peace to you all on this designated weekend of thanksgiving, and make everyday a time of thanksgiving. ... Continue Reading »
Welcome To My Blog Page
Hello everyone, I've moved my blog to my website! For those of you who are new to my blog, I participate in Illustration Friday, a place, where a fabulous group of artist participate weekly. Every artist, that's participating is sent a prompt/theme every Friday. You then illustrate the prompt/theme on your blog and then add your image to Illustration Friday (aka "IF"). Once again, welcome to the newcomers and welcome back to all my artist friends from Illustration Friday posts! ... Continue Reading »
Pretend – IF
When I was a kid in NYC, there was an individual who used to roam the streets in my neighborhood. To this day, I don't know if they were a man or a woman, (nor do I care) but we called, this person, "Birdy."Birdy walked around in a big overcoat, with his/her arms tucked inside, so Birdy appeared armless! Yet the moment, there was any group of little kids around, the pretend magician, would say, "Abracadabra" and out of that opened cape-like coat would appear two hands...and then... all of a sudden ... little birds came flying out of their coat!It was the most wonderful thing to my nine-year-old eyes!I often wondered what happened to that ... Continue Reading »