Wise, like all words have several variations of meaning, but it has always meant to me, more or less: "having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion." (see dictionary.com) I have found that it also depends on who's opinion of wisdom you're seeking. In looking at wise as a visual, I've found wisdom, across cultures, genders and ages. So in my travels, in a supermarket, a daycare center, a senior center, across the road, the city, the country, and around the world, I see wise faces in the hope of a woman, the essence of a child, and the wrinkles of an old ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
Vacant – IF
When my family and I visited Albuquerque, Sante Fe & Taos, it was an incredible trip!Out of all the beautiful people, places and things I saw, painted, sketched, and photographed, it was the vacant or abandoned things that stand out in my mind.During our various outings on the road during this trip, I saw this vacant log cabin in the middle of the desert. My family was appalled that I wanted to stop, get out of the car and go inside of it!After reassuring them "that crazy Mommy" would be very careful and only wanted to see the outside up close and take a few photos. My "craziness"....uh...curiosity got the best of me and I had to go ... Continue Reading »
Repair – IF
I'd like to take great liberties and ask, "How Do You Repair A Broken Heart?" The Bee Gees song, popped in my head as soon as I saw the IF prompt (although they used the word, mend), this week! Actually, I can still hear the tune as I post this. All this to say that repair never reminds me of home remodeling or fixing an inanimate object. It always makes me think about repairing the brokenness of people I have hurt in my life. Do I wish I had no relationships to repair? Yes. Has my relationship repair jobs taken me to places that I would rather have not gone? No.In the repairing of relationships, I have found that I have been the one ... Continue Reading »
Late – Strings – IF
It has been a while, well not really...a week and I feel like I'm late for my IF entries. Last week, the IF word "strings". stayed on my mind, but I couldn't get a free moment for myself!I thought about fate's strings, spaghetti strings, heart strings and yarn strings, but it just wasn't working for me nor the time to do it.So today, while sitting on the sofa, listening to classical music, trying to organize a day of chores. Doodling on old scraps of drawing paper, I thought, well the new word is "late" and boy, do I know about "late" lately. I decided to do musical "strings" and submit it "late!"Don't you just love it when you can do two ... Continue Reading »
Packed – IF
Bear with me...this is a long one...After arguing with my daughter this morning about the benefits of cleaning her room (i.e., "you can stop asking me where everything is"); she stomped to her room!Later, I looked in her room and became misty-eyed.Lo and behold, she cleaned her room...but inside of boxes and on the outside of boxes were all the things I love! Her "bear-bear", her dolls and numerous other toy treasures!Packed up memories...For any parent, well some of us at least, seeing your little one grow up and storm into adolescence is challenging at best! I captured this moment in my journal along with this sketch; (I don't generally go ... Continue Reading »
Island – IF
Forgive me, my schedule is so hectic and off the charts this week so I borrowed an image of mine from my website: https://indigeneart.com. It is the image of a contemplative woman sitting in the waters off an island, the original piece is entitled, "Solitude."There is an expression (I can't remember who said it) that goes something like, "no man is an island." It is the phrase that comes to mind when I saw the IF prompt for this week.I differ with that expression because I think that every one exist in and on their own personal island. It is the water (emotions, and or physical plane) surrounding our personal islands that connect us all.So ... Continue Reading »
Clutter – IF
I'm not sure with moving, what I dislike more, the packing or the unpacking! Ugh!I'm using a page out of my sketchbook for this week's prompt. We moved several years ago and I was surrounded by boxes, bags and furniture awaiting the moving truck and I remembered I sketched the scene to alleviate the stress!We won't be moving for nine months, but I've been packing a few boxes at a time of books (I have over 1,000) to take to our storage unit, so that when the time comes to move, some of my stress can be warded off.All that to say, that moving represents clutter to me, no matter how organized it is, it's still clutter! Moving clutters the mind ... Continue Reading »