Part Two of my interview at Sparkletopia, is a visit to my studio. If you'd like to visit my studio, please check it out: ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
Homage – IF
Homage is what this image inspired and represented, when I started it.It is a painting of my grandmother and her friends in the Caribbean. My grandmother was Carib Indian, who was very proud of her heritage and passed that on to her grandchildren.This painting is in my home, and gives me much solace when I look at it. It speaks of love, friendship and journey; the journey of her grandchildren to America, the journey she made when she left Dominica and St. Vincent to live in Trinidad. It speaks of the loss of her children during that journey and the friends who supported her through the hardship in her life.It's odd to me that I'm putting ... Continue Reading »
Shameless Self-Promotion
I'm so excited about being interviewed by Christine Miller at Sparkletopia (also known as Swirly Girl). Check it out at: ... Continue Reading »
Pet Peeves – IF
Pet Peeve - Mini List- Having someone wake me before I'm ready to wake up!- Waking my daughter up before she's ready to wake up!- Unrealistic deadlines!- Not being able to create a brand new illustration for Illustration Friday!Oh, believe me the list is long this week, since pet peeves have kept me from posting my illustration earlier. This little image is from one of my journals, since I could not find the time to create a new entry for this week! I knew this image summed up what I'm missing, SLEEP...Ah! Another pet peeve...the lack of...Happy Thursday Everyone! ... Continue Reading »
Heavy for me, often means carrying heavy objects, heavy thoughts, heavy weight and sometimes for mothers, it means lifting a heavy child beyond the stage/age that you would like to!But heavy this week, for Illustration Friday, for me, means children carrying heavy anything beyond their capacity. Often when I see children with eyes and responsibilities beyond their years, I would like to carry their burdens for them, and allow them to run off and play. For every heavy, there should be something light and airy!Peace for this Illustration Friday! ... Continue Reading »
Garden – IF
This face is surrounded by a garden of flowers. I completed this image over (8) years ago, and I still love it!I'm so happy spring is coming! :) ... Continue Reading »
Leap – IF
LEAP - This lovely couple belong together. So they took the Leap!Frogs go together with leap, and since many of us leap into love, I pulled it this together as my image this week. I am so swamped, (art busy), and this was little image was a lovely pause in the day! ... Continue Reading »