Winter is a time of quiet, hibernation, renewal, cold, waiting, rebirth and the mini death of nature's plant life. Is is also some of the darkest days. Living on the northern east coast, means a ritual of heavy sweaters, overcoats, hats, scarves and gloves. But, it can be a time of great reflection, curling up in a natty sweater, lighting some candles, listening to music, pondering something as small as "getting a snack" or more significant like "what can you do to make your life more meaningful?" With ice or snow covering everything, I tend to look up and notice the sky and stars. It's wonderful to see the night light of the stars, so ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
Reverse Order
In the last (72) hours, I have somehow reversed my schedule. Meaning, instead of sleeping at night and being up during the day, it is vice-versa! So today, I am trying to correct this reversed order by staying up all day. So far, so good, I will be unbearable around 7:00PM, but I'm hoping to last until 8:00PM and then I will go to bed for the evening. I'm looking forward to going back to my regular schedule of 5:30AM to 10:30PM. This reverse schedule usually happens when I stay up too late, painting! I get excited over some aspect of the painting, I'm working on, I pull an all-nighter. :) This was particular piece was created around ... Continue Reading »
After a busy work week and plenty of snow to shovel, it's nice to surrender to the weekend! For me that's spending family time together and reading. This weekend it will be a fantasy novel. surrender to a peaceful weekend....Peace Title: "Serene Mermaid" -Size: 11"x5.5" - Media: Mixed ... Continue Reading »
Deja-Vu and Studio Nook Chaos
In rearranging my studio nook and painting, life was chaotic! When you're working on a new painting, that you have to stop and start, there is that feeling of deja-vu! Yet, you know it's all! This is the beginning of the painting. I put several different symbols around the main part of the painting...and then...I changed my mind...and erased the symbols. I'm feeling the main character, but the symbols are eluding me. I was rearranging the studio as I painted, you know trying to multi-task and get as much done in the window of time I had. But, back to the painting... I erased all the ... Continue Reading »
Spider Woman
Another painting in my Goddess Series is Spider Woman. I'm not doing the goddess series in any order, other than they way that they come to me; nor do I have any idea how many paintings will complete the series, I'll let them determine that. This is a great educational process and fantastic artistic journey! Spider Woman is an important goddess among many southwestern Native American tribes. Spider Woman is responsible for bringing fire to the Pueblo, Tewa and Kiwa tribes. For the Hopi tribes, Spider Woman is a creator of the moon, and their emergence into the world. Spider Woman has the power to give and ... Continue Reading »
Brave – Warrior
When I think of bravery, women always come to mind. Women are brave in caring for their loved ones; brave in how they carry out their work; brave in love and war; brave in transitioning the end of life. Women are the greatest creation in humanity. Celebrate all women in your life! Learn about how Women's History Month came into existence (click on link) and Happy Women's History Month! Work in Progress is shown below: part of the small and large scale goddesses I'm working on. ... Continue Reading »
Perspective: Queen of the Canyon
When I visited "The Grand Canyon", I came away with many perspectives, this image was one of many. I'm sure I will be painting many of the perspectives I gained from this vast beauty! The Grand Canyon is a Queen. It's all beautiful from this perspective! Go out and investigate nature (with people in it...or not! :) defines the word "perspective" in (7) ways, I chose the following definitions to describe my image viewpoint: a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface; a visible scene, esp. one extending to a distance; the state of existing in space before the eye; the state of one's ... Continue Reading »