Shaky = tending to shake or tremble; liable to break down or give way. Two weeks in a row, the IF prompt has hit home! Ahhh...the irony, of it all. Right now, with limited time and very blocked artistic ability, I thought of the epitome of shakiness... blocks. The precariousness of them, much like life! The joy of playing with blocks and the scariness of them falling over. Child's play is often a metaphor for life. This week, let's play, because life is shaky enough. Peace. ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
WARNING - YOU ARE ABOUT TO JOIN A PITY PARTY - WARNING! "Worn" - I looked the word up on I'm not sure why, but I know that often times my definition of the word is more about feelings than the actual meaning, so I looked the word up. Funny, it meant, what I felt, "exhausted, spent, fatigued, diminished in value". I have been working (2) full times jobs for the last nine months. I am finishing/leaving one and continuing the other job. Somehow, I thought I would feel elated, now at least half my time would now again, be my own. But, alas, I feel, like the word for this week! "WORN" In between, working two full-time jobs, my ... Continue Reading »
Drift – IF
When I think of the word "drift" I automatically think of walking aimlessly, trying to find a place to call home. I guess that's what a "drifter" is. But it's not a word I hear often, but when I do, it has a sinister connotation to it. But, I choose not to claim the word drifter as negative, in my romantic mind, a drifter is someone destine to walk finding solace in the walk and having no place that calls them home. Home is where they are at the time they are drifting through. Let your feet, heart and mind drift, it's call peace. ... Continue Reading »
Unfold – IF
"As life unfolds, there will be times you will get played." So many images unfolded in my mind, when I saw this week's Illustration Friday prompt, but with so little time and simple materials at hand, I decided that sometimes simplicity says it best. As always, I leave you with the seeds, you provide the interpretation. Peace to you in this life of chaotic music! ... Continue Reading »
Crave – IF
This is the first thought I had when I read the prompt for this week. I do not have time to add color, but I think the general idea is there and I needed a gentle way back. When I was a new Mom, I often wondered who's craving was bigger? Mine to give milk or my babies to receive. I think it was a mutuality that turned to love. It brings a whole new meaning to the question, Is it better to give or receive? I'm happy to be back after a much needed break! Peace to you all as you give and receive this week. ... Continue Reading »
The Gift of Awards
My wonderful friend, Yoon See sent me this award! I love awards, they have been given to me as genuine gifts and I really appreciate them. I'm sure the opinions on them are varied, but for me I cherish the ones given to me, because I so admire the folks that are giving them to me. They are tremendous artists in their own right, compassionate people with very generous spirits. So with that, I thank you and bow my head to the lovely, sweet Yoon See, thanks love! With that said, I would like to pass this award along to a couple of folks, there are more, but Yoon See has already given them to most of the very same folks, I would like to give ... Continue Reading »
Talisman – IF
Masks are often used as a "talisman" in many cultures around the world. They always fascinate me, with their wealth of symbolism and ancestral markings. At the time, I created this piece, I was trying to find a way, to merge, the body of ancestry that made me..."me". How does one incorporate, Portuguese, Carib, Asian and African, into one equally identifying symbol? Living in a country, where one is identified by race, I wanted as a child, to have something, maybe a "talisman", that I could carry. A symbol that would identify all those people that physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally made me. Maybe, then people would see it and ... Continue Reading »