My intention, for 2011 was ABUNDANCE and that was felt on many levels. The Highs and Lows of my 2011 year: 1.) I RESOLVE TO PROMOTE MYSELF SHAMELESSLY. (Those of you who read my blogs, encountered me on Facebook and Twitter know this is true! :) I also handed out many business cards and postcards during 2011. 2.) I RESOLVE TO CULTIVATE A GREAT WEBSITE. Well, it's great website to me! My wonderful webmaster son and I spent an enormous amount of time on it, updating it! (© 2011 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - Frontview of my 2011 journals). 3.) I RESOLVE TO CONTINUE OPERATING WITH COMPLETE INTEGRITY. This was done a 100% of the time and gave me ... Continue Reading »
News & Updates
Relaxed and Contemplative…
Finishing up last minute rushes, business obligations and On-Line Classes. I haven't forgotten my blog readers! I'm just in a contemplative mood...thinking about my intention for the new year, setting goals, looking over the year...the great losses and the abundance that kept me going... Take some time to separate yourself and sink into the peace that's yours by going inward. In peace to you and yours. (©2011 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - Journal Time) ... Continue Reading »
Family Brigade
Breakout, the wine, food, flowers, music and love! I'm celebrating!!! I have a brigade (the Home Love Brigade), aka "My peeps, my tribe, my love buckets, my family" and the nick names go on and on. No matter how I'm feeling or who I'm yelling at, my brigade is my stronghold. They love me fiercely and I them! :) The last few weeks were extremely busy, holiday stuff, school work, household junk, workshops, sales, art fair preparations, holiday studio tour preparation, marketing and creating (my only grip on sanity)!! My brigade has been there through the thick (which is me) and the thin (my patience)! But, they still love and support me! So ... Continue Reading »
Soaring Round
For you folks, at Illustration Friday, here's my idea of round, plus something extra! This is an extremely busy time for many people, running round with end-of-year activities and holiday stuff, me included! So, I'm happy to offer some beauty and words to live by. Here is the first of (18) inspirational card series, I'm launching: Dream Sequence #7 - Inside Text: "You soar above life's chaos" ©Indigene Theresa Gaskin Price: $5 per card - 5" x 7" Card Shipping is Free in the U.S.A. and Canada I will be featuring all (18) cards through my blog posts, Facebook and Twitter. All cards are $5 each, the messages are inspirational and the art ... Continue Reading »
Vanity or Confidence…
Illustration Friday's prompt for creating this week is vanity. It got me to pondering whether confidence is sometimes mistaken for vanity. Of course, I know the definition of vanity, but there have been times when I've mistaken someone for being vain, and after getting to know them, I realized that they had a confidence of self, that was enviable. Which brings me to my next we see vanity because we envy the confidence of an individual? The lesson learned for me, is not to judge, since it is only when I get to know the person, do I begin to see the true self, and there have been times, when I would have missed out on knowing a ... Continue Reading »
Inspirational Fuel
I love winding down on Fridays, I look over my week's work and feel a sense of accomplishment and order. Did I get everything done? Nah...that never happens...that's what's so wonderful! I wake up in the morning, grateful for another day and I get to start all over again. The days, when I'm stumped or can't get the creative flow going, I look to my fuel art journals! :) I either create pages in my art journal or I look through art journals, I've created in the past and that usually gets me going. It's good to revisit my art journals from time-to-time. I especially look through all of them, at the end of the year. This year ... Continue Reading »
Temporary Blog Hibernation
I've been in hibernation, as far as my blog is concerned. I will remedy that immediately! I try to blog weekly, but I've been working very hard on some left brain activities, like updating my office systems, reorganizing my files (yes, again) and adding more art to my inventory! I'm also preparing for a Holiday Studio Tour, releasing a new product line, working on my newsletter to my collectors, creating a new painting series and attending some workshops! So that's what I've been up to, instead of blogging, I've hardly had time to think! I need to get a lot done before the winter blahs and then my bear-like tendencies will be in full effect, ... Continue Reading »