I was in the "zone", (which is the preoccupation of obsessively creating an image), becoming so strong in my mind’s eye, that I am only freed from the zone by completing the actual work. I worked days, excessively on this image. I know that I feel exposed when I show any part of the process to anyone outside the zone of my head. I am aware that I am exposed. I took breaks, but it is the night of another day of obsessing over every little piece of it, adding, subtracting, pacing around the work, only stopping to take nature's breaks, which can be a nuisance when in the creative zone. It is only when the image is getting near the final ... Continue Reading »
News & Updates
Work In Progress – The Beginning
Usually, I do not show my work in progress, (it is often a muddy or murky process); But, since I do photograph the progress for my own records, I'm merging my inner work with my outer practice more in 2010. So in trusting my own process, I believe it has to be a sharing process, albeit a scary one! Currently, I'm working on a portrait of someone, who is so full of love and compassion, "to be of service to others," her own words, is her soul's ministry. I'm doing this portrait based on poetry of hers, dreams and symbols that correlates with this individual. I want this portrait to be an expression of her inner self, a snapshot of her inner ... Continue Reading »
Focused On Positive Art that Uplifts the Spirit!
I am focused on: "The Healing Power of Art!" "Art has and continues to illuminate me, through creating, sharing; meeting with others to view it, inspire, affirm and celebrate. Creating art lights my path to soul revival. It has nurtured me and help me understand myself, therefore giving me the capacity to understand others. It is the physical peace in my storms" Manhattan Arts International's "Celebrate The Healing Power of Art 2010" is based on the belief that Art is a natural force that promotes health and well-being for the creator as well as the viewer. Renee Phillips, Director of Manhattan Arts International, is organizing an online ... Continue Reading »
After being confined to bed for a bit in December, the excitement of the holidays, returning from visiting my son in Arizona for Christmas, even more excitement awaited me upon my return to blog land! I am delighted to be the featured artist at the Manhattan Arts International - "Celebrate Herstory" for the month of January. http://manhattanartsherstory.blogspot.com What a wonderful New Year's Gift and not to mentioned birthday gift as well, this youngster (me) celebrated my 51st birthday on January 1, 2010! This year promises bigger, better, wonderful, joy and amazing friendships! I wish this for all and always in peace! Manhattan Arts ... Continue Reading »
I'm just getting back from Arizona! The Grand Canyon was amazing as was seeing my son and spending time with family! It was a wonderful vacation! Happy New Year & Peace to everyone! ... Continue Reading »
Hatching Ideas
I had a long commute to work today as a passenger. I was tired of the radio, and watching other cars, go by. I looked in my handbag to see what I could find, so that I wouldn't fall asleep! I'm not usually my best with sleep lines on my face from odd head positions while napping with no pillow. Rummaging through my big tote bag yielded a Christmas catalog, a six-inch ruler, scissors, a couple of pieces of watercolor paper, my KOI pocket field sketch box with water brush, a glue stick, micro-pen, and a graphite pencil. I knew today was the only time I was going to have a small chunk of time to do an illustration for the prompt for ... Continue Reading »
Wise Woman Herbal Ezine
I am the featured artist in the "Wise Woman Herbal Ezine with Susun Weed" The December Ezine is Launched Today!! http://www.susunweed.com/herbal_ezine/December09/index.htm This beautiful art work is for sale! Please Contact: Susun Weed, herbalist and author of women's health books, invites you to rediscover the Wise Woman Tradition, herbal medicine healing, and how to make home remedies. This Herbal Ezine is part of a Complementary Integrative Health Resources for Women Explore the Wise Woman Web: www.wisewomanweb.com Portal to 1200+ pages of Wise Woman wisdom, plus Forum, Weblog, Ezine, and Email ... Continue Reading »