the seat of the soul is creativity, a reflection of the divine." ~ [words said to me in a dream during a time I was at a major crossroad in my life] Stop allow yourself to reflect on this, let it sink in to your spirit. You recognize that you and your creativity are worthy of taking the time to find inspiration, to develop your skills, and to express yourself through any form of creativity you choose. Although, I use visual art to express mine, yours maybe acting or singing, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you use it! There are so many levels to making art, but one of the things that I love so much about manifesting creative ... Continue Reading »
Self Care
Self-Doubt Remedies
“I don’t think there’s any artist of any value who doesn’t doubt what they’re doing.” ~Francis Ford Coppola I had lunch with a friend this week, who is one of the most confident women I know! We talked about how we question ourselves and she was feeling some self-doubt after a very intense meeting. After some deep breaths, and guided meditation in the middle of our lunch, she moved passed it and we enjoyed our time together. It was our conversation about doubting ourselves that remained with me, so I decided to elaborate more here. Self-doubt is something that plagues everyone at some time or another. We may be going along, feeling ... Continue Reading »
Time With Fear…
I am not moving forward with my goals this week. I paused. Fear crept to the surface. I just walked away from the fear. I tried to push the it down…It is helpful to talk to my fears, if I can manage to be compassionate with them. If not, my insides turns into a war of the worlds scenario and I have a melt down. I have no compassion for fear right now. All I have for it, is anger and frustration. The thing is, I thought I was done with fear. Done! I have no patience for it and I have no time for it. The facts show there is no reason for it. Yet, it persists - why? My soul whispers to me, “Because it’s a fear. Fears are unreasonable, ... Continue Reading »
Basic Training
Since I've moved, I've been in a different mind set, where I'm focusing more on creating art journals and altered books and small mixed media pieces. I'm nervous about these changes going on, because people get used to seeing you do one thing and that's what they continuously expect. I can't stay in the same place forever, people grow and change and that's what my art is doing. I will still do paintings, but I will also be connecting through art journaling, which is personal and therapeutic. Since it's been so healing for me, I want to begin to share this process with others I started art journaling years ago,it's just that I didn't ... Continue Reading »
Spring Equinox Commitment
At the beginning of the New Year, I decided that my word for this year would be "commitment". It's not that, I haven't committed to things in the past, I have! But, this year, I wanted to put a laser focus to my commitments and choose them wisely. I'm like many people; in the past, I've over-committed and drove myself and others crazy, trying to fulfilled them. This year, I want to change how I commit to people, causes, etc. I wanted to be present in them, and give them my full attention and integrity. So hear we are, three months into the new year and I want to keep moving forward. Keeping a gratitude journal, keeps me ever grateful ... Continue Reading »
Soul Collage
When life is too hectic, I love to spend some down time, going deep and reflecting. One way I do this is by Soul Collaging. So this week, I'll share one of my images and my thoughts on this image making. This collage was created during my monthly meeting of beautiful soul collagers. Exploring your intuitiveness is an amazing experience that should become a part of your daily life. Here is what this collage says to me: "I am one who has gained wisdom through trial and error again and again. I have been running away from myself. It is only since I have come into the second half of life that I realize that there is no wrong, in any lesson ... Continue Reading »
Art & Healing – Part 3 of 3
There is no right or wrong way to start an art journal, let your emotions guide you. An intuitive approach encourages you to just dive in, create and not think about what is is you're going to do. Let your unconscious mind take over the process. Some days, ripping through magazines to find images or text for your journal will be helpful, other days, writing or doodling will be all you can manage. What was helpful to me was to spend some days, just writing in a stream of consciousness, while other days, just putting down color on a page was all I could manage. As I went further along in the healing art journal process, I begin writing about ... Continue Reading »