Masks are often used as a "talisman" in many cultures around the world. They always fascinate me, with their wealth of symbolism and ancestral markings. At the time, I created this piece, I was trying to find a way, to merge, the body of ancestry that made me..."me". How does one incorporate, Portuguese, Carib, Asian and African, into one equally identifying symbol? Living in a country, where one is identified by race, I wanted as a child, to have something, maybe a "talisman", that I could carry. A symbol that would identify all those people that physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally made me. Maybe, then people would see it and ... Continue Reading »
Wise Women Marketing
Marketing is one of those things that artist, generally hate to do! Especially those of us who want to work at our included. There's a very cool blog I like to visit (and I subscribe to the newsletter), entitled "Womenwise Marketing" It's full of great tips and recently, I had my comments posted on "Why You Avoid Marketing". Check it out and my comments, too! Yes, I shamelessly market, too! :) ... Continue Reading »
Poise – IF
Poised for_________________? I'll let you decide. I'm just trying to be poised for whatever comes. Ahhhh! Poised for peace. See you next week! ... Continue Reading »
Sharing An Experience – The Pendle Hill Closing Art Exhibit Reception – March 6, 2009
I get so nervous at my own exhibits! As an introvert, it just about makes me quake in my boots! There were so many wonderful people gathered there, who asked thoughtful questions, ate good food, shared their opinions, enjoyed themselves, bought art and other collectibles! It was a successful night in every sense of the word! It was such a soulful experience to be surrounded by family, friends, patrons, collectors and new acquaintances! Thank you all for an amazing experience. I've posted these pix for all the folks who wanted to come but could not, I wanted to share some of the ambiance of the evening. Enjoy! (c) All Photos courtesy of ... Continue Reading »
Subtract – IF
Subtraction is an odd word to illustrate, especially while living in a culture where "more" is considered better and I see daily how that's taken over the top! Maybe taking away is an answer, not a punishment. My thoughts on Illustration Friday's word, "subtract" led me to the image of a Geisha, where I subtracted the background, to make you more conscious of the individual. The simplicity of beauty is evident, but a paradox, in the way I'm using it, since Geishas, wear many added layers of clothing. So in this image, you can think about the addition of many garments or the subtraction of environment. There's a lot to ponder in a ... Continue Reading »
Legendary – IF
One of the most "legendary" stories of all time is the story of Adam and Eve. It has launched many debates in many religious quarters and gender arguments that still go on today. Is it true or is it another creation story tradition? I'm not here to answer that question or to strike a debate in this area. No matter what, the truth is, there are many of us who are a partner in a couple relationship that have felt, "we only have each other." In these times, there are many that are being cast out of their homes, whether or not it is their own fault, it is still a very scary situation and that's the thought behind this imagery, what it is like to ... Continue Reading »
Intricate – IF
Lately, I've been working out some dream issues, which to me represent the most intricate designs of the mind. Most days, I'm not sure what my dreams mean...hmmm...maybe they mean, I'm just anxious for Spring, or bracing myself for more of Winter, or missing that hour I lost for daylight saving time or ...there's always the off chance it could be just indigestion! :) lol! I'm just spending time trying to figure out the intricacies of what they about you? Dream any good intricate ones lately? I'll meet you in the dream world. Peace ... Continue Reading »