I like to imagine my clutter is comparative to how my life is, the less clutter I have, the more room I have to be open to possibilities. So, while my studio is not in need of cleaning, I am all about de-cluttering...all about creating space for the things I want in my life: new projects, new art, and loads of creativity. In the last couple of months, the de-cluttering bug has hit my studio. I decided to get rid of stuff, in which I stored paint and all manner of odds and ends, that were falling apart and replace them with sturdier pieces. Granted, there's only so much I can do in my studio, because of space limitations. Reorganization of ... Continue Reading »
Elephant Dreams
This is where I'm at with "Elephant Dreams", a mixed media piece on 30" x 30" canvas that I've been working on. It is a commission, it is sitting on my easel now, in a state of being worked on, so I'm good with sharing this part of it. This piece was a collaboration of what the client wanted and part intuitive. This collector has a love of elephants and loves my mixed media art. Art continues to flow as I work on a couple of commissions. The regular flux of being studio grounded tells me that I'm being active and that feels good. I'm learning to see rejections as both a sign that I'm trying and that it's just not a great fit at the moment ... Continue Reading »
Art & Healing – Part 3 of 3
There is no right or wrong way to start an art journal, let your emotions guide you. An intuitive approach encourages you to just dive in, create and not think about what is is you're going to do. Let your unconscious mind take over the process. Some days, ripping through magazines to find images or text for your journal will be helpful, other days, writing or doodling will be all you can manage. What was helpful to me was to spend some days, just writing in a stream of consciousness, while other days, just putting down color on a page was all I could manage. As I went further along in the healing art journal process, I begin writing about ... Continue Reading »
Art & Healing – Part 2 of 3
(See Art & Healing - Part 1 of 3) Therapy was mandatory and medication was an option. Yet, the thing that got me through the daily grind of loss was art. I found that art helped me heal in ways I never thought imaginable. There is an established field of art therapy that is used as a healing practice by many therapists and medical facilities and I highly recommend it to anyone as a form of support and help, since everyone works through their own grieving and healing process differently. My approach to art healing me was entirely intuitive. I didn't have a standard; who sets one for grief?! My state of mind was not on beauty or ... Continue Reading »
Art as Healing – Part 1 of 3
In times of crisis and challenge, there are many different ways to cope. I think everyone has their own way of doing so. I wanted to blog about what I found helpful for me. First, I must state for the record, "I. AM. NOT. A. THERAPIST" I am one artist, that found a particular way to help me and I hope that it might be helpful to someone else, which is why I'm sharing it. As an artist, I'm drawn to creating art for a variety of reasons. I do it to learn new techniques, to create a visual collection of dreams, narratives or to build and share with a community. It is my form of self-reflection and self-expression. Art and art-making touches ... Continue Reading »
Weathering Storms
The last few days, were total chaos, preparing for Super Storm Sandy. The storm has come and is slowly ebbing away, and we who have been affected by it, are scrambling in recovery mode. Mother Nature has once again, let us know who the boss is. I came across a quotation, that sums up the last few days for me and I'm sure for other, too, "You never know how strong you are... until being strong is the only choice you have". - Cayla Mills Storms test us and our nature and they always leave me a bit wiser. Hoping that all my friends and family have weathered the storm, safely, sending you all hugs and love! ... Continue Reading »
Odd With Ends…Beginning as a Possibilitarian
This year was my year for taking workshops and classes, since I wanted to be in "learner" mode, which I always find exciting, because I love to learn. Heck, if there was a job that paid me to learn, I would be top in my field! I think that's why I like being an artist so much, because no matter how much you learn, there is always more to learn, plus there are so many disciplines of art, you can spend your whole life in this field and never get bored. I've just completed my last online workshop for the year, I feel odd, now that the class ended. Since each week I looked forward to that lesson delivered, and the great feedback from all the ... Continue Reading »