January has been a month of digging, in the tough and challenging consciousness. Ever since I chose the word "courage" as my word for the year, I've been battling some big fears and learning to trust my intuitive voice completely. It's the same fears, I battle when the darkness of winter comes...am I strong enough, confident enough, financially secure, smart enough, helpful enough, generous enough, doing enough...? My rituals and spirituality keep me nurtured. My family keeps me cocooned, safe and loved. As always in the dark nights of the soul, the light comes through, reminding me that there is balance and that fears will always be there, ... Continue Reading »
Twirling With Excitement!
Well, I'm twirling with excitement! My image, "Gabriel's Horn" (30" x 40" - Oil/Canvas - Sold/Private Collection) is on the cover of Dream Network Journal. Yes, I'm shamelessly happy and wanted to blog about it. I often write about the creative process, post the end results and let you know how I'm feeling! So, it's only appropriate to share my glee here, also! What makes this so exciting is that this painting, marked my ten years of being a professional artist! Much of my work has been derived from dream experiences. So, this weekend, I'm doing the thankful happy dance, anyone want to twirl around with me in thankfulness and happiness? Have ... Continue Reading »
Prepared for 2012
The process of setting up goals to me, is much like my preparation for creating a new painting or two or three... It starts with a spark...dream, experience, a place, an idea. I write down some words, do some sketches, think about colors or not. I gather the materials and then the deep stuff starts, excitement builds, frustrations set in, more thought processes, action accumulates and then finally, after many tweeks, starts and stops. Voila, I have a finished painting! ©2012 Indigene T. Gaskin "Autumn Song" Mixed-Media-12" x 24") So much like the art-making process, is my goal setting process. This year, it took a little longer than ... Continue Reading »
Grounding Myself In Courage
©2001-2012 Indigene Theresa Gaskin-- Image: "Brave Warrior") This year my intention is Courage. I did not come to this intent quickly or lightly, but through...the power of daily meditation, prayer, silence and deep listening. So what does this mean? This means I will not wait for fear to go away before I move forward with new ideas and dreams that need to be realized. The only way I can dissolve fear is to begin to move with it. I have heard, that the thing that stands in the way of us creating the life we want, will only go away, if we start creating it. Yet, this is the most fearful aspect of beginning that life! So like a brave ... Continue Reading »
Highlights of 2011
My intention, for 2011 was ABUNDANCE and that was felt on many levels. The Highs and Lows of my 2011 year: 1.) I RESOLVE TO PROMOTE MYSELF SHAMELESSLY. (Those of you who read my blogs, encountered me on Facebook and Twitter know this is true! :) I also handed out many business cards and postcards during 2011. 2.) I RESOLVE TO CULTIVATE A GREAT WEBSITE. Well, it's great website to me! My wonderful webmaster son and I spent an enormous amount of time on it, updating it! (© 2011 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - Frontview of my 2011 journals). 3.) I RESOLVE TO CONTINUE OPERATING WITH COMPLETE INTEGRITY. This was done a 100% of the time and gave me ... Continue Reading »
Relaxed and Contemplative…
Finishing up last minute rushes, business obligations and On-Line Classes. I haven't forgotten my blog readers! I'm just in a contemplative mood...thinking about my intention for the new year, setting goals, looking over the year...the great losses and the abundance that kept me going... Take some time to separate yourself and sink into the peace that's yours by going inward. In peace to you and yours. (©2011 Indigene Theresa Gaskin - Journal Time) ... Continue Reading »
Family Brigade
Breakout, the wine, food, flowers, music and love! I'm celebrating!!! I have a brigade (the Home Love Brigade), aka "My peeps, my tribe, my love buckets, my family" and the nick names go on and on. No matter how I'm feeling or who I'm yelling at, my brigade is my stronghold. They love me fiercely and I them! :) The last few weeks were extremely busy, holiday stuff, school work, household junk, workshops, sales, art fair preparations, holiday studio tour preparation, marketing and creating (my only grip on sanity)!! My brigade has been there through the thick (which is me) and the thin (my patience)! But, they still love and support me! So ... Continue Reading »