It wonderful, when you put something out there in the world! The Universe comes back to you with a multitude of wisdom! I posed my question of "How do you choose what online seminars and webinars to pay for? Do they work? Or do they just make money for the presenters?" I knew that this year, I needed more information on my next steps in my art world! As usual, when we ask a question, we want a quick answers, not thinking that, when I'm posed a question, I think before answering. Here is a wonderful different approach! Maria Brophy, a fabulous art coach, featured my questions, in regard to: Webinars Coaches and Seminars – Are They Worth ... Continue Reading »
Value to Questioning
Learning for me is always an experience of wonder. I'm a life time learner, and will continue to do so well in my 90s! Why, because I don't have all the answers, and when I don't, I ask questions, lots of them. I posed a question, to which, Alyson B. Stanfield, "ArtBiz Coach" and author of "I'd Rather Be In the Studio!" answered with value added. My question: How do you choose what online seminars and webinars to pay for? Do they work? Or do they just make money for the presenters? Read Alyson's Answer here: This thing called life is such an adventure, I Love It! ... Continue Reading »
NEWS UPDATE: “Indigene Community Information”
Indigene Community ( is a new organization developing participatory urban multi-home, co-housing and economies based in indigenous practice for modern living. It is wonderful to share the same ideal with Indigene Community, which is understanding heritage can give us the tools to move forward in our lives and in our communities. At Indigene Community art is featured for recalling primary human values. Indigene Community will be featuring me as the first artist to their Indigene Community website! Here's the link to my work: ... Continue Reading »
Creative Flow – Clean & Dust
While doing some cleaning and dusting, I came across a bag of pretty autumn leaves. I love the colors of autumn. I remember taking these leaves from a beautiful tree. So of course I stopped cleaning and looked for the photos of the tree it came from. I'm one of those people that look at trees and always see people or some sort of magical creature, so I usually stop and snap a photo, since it's usually on the road and I don't get a chance to sketch and explore it until I get home. I find trees fascinating. Here's a reference photo: Well, to make a long story short, I never finished the dusting (the cleaning is ongoing)! My ... Continue Reading »
Meditation Home
As an artist, you create, enjoying the process and wonder at the end result (at least, I do)! When your art work finds a home, you miss it, but you know it has gone to a place where some else wants your creation to rest. I received this picture (taken with camera phone) from a collector in Indiana, showing me where "our girl" lives. I love the unique way she has formed a mediation alter out of it. Another wonderful idea for my goddess art. A way to salute your womanhood! Thanks Lucy, you're a doll to send this! :) May you continue to get the joy and peace you deserve. Peace to all. ... Continue Reading »
My intent for this year is to live in abundance, it is what I will be aware of in my life, the abundance that I have in mind, body and spirit. The word came to me during my quiet time in the morning where I do my sitting in silence prayer, my "Morning Pages" (journaling), then I listen to tribal music, in my nook with a candle burning, living in that special moment. It has become a ritual that gives sanity to a day that may have anything in store for me. It doesn't mean that I will not have bad days or days of frustration, but that I will remember, I have abundance of everything, "creativity, love, family, patience, will, friendship, ... Continue Reading »
Debut From The Nookery – “Ala – Ibo Goddess”
Last week, she was just a pretty face, with a splash of blue in the background sitting on my easel. Voila, this week, she is making her debut. ALA, also spelled ALE, ALLA also known as ANE - Earth Mother Goddess of the Ibo tribe in Nigeria. Creator of the living and Queen of the dead. Provider of communal loyalty and Lawgiver of society. Her symbol is the crescent moon. She is still worshiped by the Ibo today, who pay tribute to her each year during the Yam festival. Ala is a part of my Goddess Series. I think this series may be ongoing for some time, since there are thousands of goddesses from all over the world clamoring for me to ... Continue Reading »