I have been super busy!
Attending workshops, creating new work, gearing up for my ย Holiday Studio Tour, conference calls, video summits and taking care of my daily business routines!
I’ve also spent some incredible time with new friends and old friends, (Thank you, awesome goddesses, you know who you are); which always fills me with love and adrenaline…:)
My thoughts have been scattered, but focused…is that possible, you ask? Yes, because these scattered thoughts and actions are an abundance of energy, that I believe are coming together, to bring another dimension to my life, creating richer experiences for me. They are only scattered, in the sense that I’m snatching time from here and there, because I want it all (insert, Vincent Price loud laugh here)!
I want to do so much and every waking moment is filled with something I love and need to get done, but at the same time, I’m savoring every nano-second and loving it! Now, how’s that for scattered thoughts and feelings?! ๐
Every day, I miss my Mom and my sister, Renee, but I remember their beautiful spirits and then I live…in all my moments!
Savor your scattered moments, they have a place in your life, too.
In peace to you and yours.
(Image: collaged page from my “Creative Entrepreneurย Business Journal”, Date: Friday, Oct.14, 2011)
P.S. I didn’t have time to edit this, so pardon any typos or scattered thought processes (insert more Vincent Price laughter!)
Linda Hensley said
It's good to be busy sometimes, especially when you get to spend time with people you enjoy being with. Interesting word choices for your collage. I'm a little inspired to do that too ๐
indigene1 said
Thanks, Linda! The words were chosen intuitively, from my giant box of magazine pages! I generally go through magazines, and tear out the visually beautiful pages that call to me. If there's an article I like, I keep it by cutting it out or scanning it. Visual journaling is something I love to do, although, I don't share it often. I may do that more in the future, for I.F. since I'm so pressed for time!
I'd love to see what you come up with! ๐
Amanda Mills said
ahhhh, i've been a bit scattered too – when I saw the prompts, i thought of the state if my art supplies at the moment ^^
*hugs* hope all is well
indigene1 said
Thanks for stopping by Amanda!
I have this giant storage room that I keep meaning to go through, but I keep procrastinating for fear, that I'll bring more supplies in my studio! I think some artists feel the same way some folks feel about shoes! We just love to buy them! ๐
Major *hugs* to you and things are just going and going…:)
elenacaravela said
Super busy is good, you'll have that much more to share! (I'm laughing, imagining the Vincent Price laugher:)
indigene1 said
Hi Elena, thanks for stopping by! I had not thought about the sharing aspect. You're right! ๐ I know didn't he have an amazing laugh, I love to hear it on that Michael Jackson's song! lol!
bella sinclair said
Vincent Price has never been more beautiful!
Busy, busy, busy, but in the very best way. You go, girl! This collage ROCKS! I love the determination and boldness. It's empowering!
indigene1 said
Beautiful Bella! Thanks for coming by and leaving some great comments! I'm not sure why I never show my collages, but thanks for your encouragement. I hope you and the girls are gearing up for the holidays! ๐
Elizabeth Stanton said
Wonderful post! ๐ All of us scatterbrains appreciate it ๐ ๐ ๐
indigene1 said
Thanks Elizabeth! I'm finding I'm more scatterbrains with age, but I'm kinder to myself about it! ๐
Amanda Dilworth said
Great post full of energy and positivity:)
indigene1 said
Thanks Amanda! I'm trying to see how long, this "old" girl can keep it up! lol!
ruthbh2 said
Busy is good. Busy means you're making progress! Or, in my case, it sometimes means you're running in circles (usually picking up toys you just put away). Heh.
indigene1 said
I know what you mean, Ruth! My toy picking days have long been over! I miss when my kids played with toys, it gave me an excuse to play with toys, too! lol! Enjoy, these days, they go quickly! ๐