I come to the internet to check in with other artists, research and to be inspired. I love seeing new techniques and examining for ways that will make my ideas into reality. It’s an amazing time for artists to explore their creativity.
I also love sharing what I’ve done. I’m embrued with many ideas that I want to share! So today, with ice weighing heavily on the trees, and time off from my day gig, I wanted to share some of the ideas I’ve working on from my journal pages.
I have several journals, and at any given time, I’m using one of them as an experimental journal, where I test out ideas and techniques. I haven’t been posting a lot of art lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about it, dreaming about it and testing out the many creative urges that strike my fancy. I just haven’t been willing to share.
I think it may be an artist’s superstitious nature, to not show a new piece in process or a new technique, until it’s perfected. Or we think the idea will leave us, if we share it too soon!
It’s really about sharing something that’s a part of you, that you haven’t shared with anyone, and that first outing is filled with trepidation and fear. There is a tenderness with sharing yourself and as an artist, your tenderness is out there for the world to see and comment on.
I suffer from all the above at different times, but lately, I feel like sharing; whether its ready or not! Now, whether, I’ll feel like doing this all the time…well that will remain to be seen. Being human, gives me the ability to change and I plan on exercising my right to change.
Today, I find myself wanting to share some of my ideas and experiments. I’m still here, creating, working, experimenting, testing and continuing in my art journey.
Catherine Meyers said
Indigene, I really love these! You have such a sumptuous colour sense. I can see your work is changing becoming more sophisticated. Lots of compelling layers! Keep it up!
I understand what you say about posting before something its done. I do that now more than in the past. I can see the process develop like everyone else and I quite like that now.
Indigene said
Thanks so much, Catherine! I'm trying to manage to stay out of my own way; it's still a process. Thanks again for stopping by.