I decided to combined my illustration from last week, "idle", (which I didn't post to IF), with this week's word, "modify". I dream of having "idle" time, it's not something, I've ever had a lot of! So it was very difficult for me to come up with an idea. But, I remember when I was little, I enjoyed taking long baths, and I would hear many complaints from my brothers and sisters, about spending, "too much time in the bath!", so I finally centered on that idea, coupled with the fact, that I'm such a Mama Bear. In a day or so this week, I will hopefully repost this illustration, in color, that will be my modification. You choose whether you ... Continue Reading »
Illustration Friday
Tango is a very specific word, so for me, that didn't translate into a lot of different meanings...humph...that was my thinking! Tango, I thought, well, I'll do a couple, dancing a classic tango move. Well, I can't begin to tell you how this simple thought turned into an illustration, that wore me out! :) First, I drew a profile of a woman. I then cut it out using black paper. Next, I drew a rose on a piece of scrap watercolor paper, painted it with ink and water color. Then I drew and outline of a couple doing a tango move and then collaged it, using this week's newspaper coupons. All that was so much fun! Then, the frustration hit the ... Continue Reading »
Hollow – IF
My daughter looked at what I did for this week's prompt and gave me that teenager's rolling of eyes and said, "Hollow tree, I mean Mom, really!" Good thing, I'm not hanging onto her every word! :) Being creatively blocked right now, has left me wanting only to work with little or no color, back down to the basics. So now, I'm concentrating on simplicity. I work at a place with over (150) variety of trees and when I have a chance to notice, I notice the beauty in the hollow of the trees. I see all the beauty of the lines and curvature, but it is in the hollowness that tells the depth of a tree's life. It is what makes you come closer to ... Continue Reading »
Shaky – IF
Shaky = tending to shake or tremble; liable to break down or give way. Two weeks in a row, the IF prompt has hit home! Ahhh...the irony, of it all. Right now, with limited time and very blocked artistic ability, I thought of the epitome of shakiness... blocks. The precariousness of them, much like life! The joy of playing with blocks and the scariness of them falling over. Child's play is often a metaphor for life. This week, let's play, because life is shaky enough. Peace. ... Continue Reading »
WARNING - YOU ARE ABOUT TO JOIN A PITY PARTY - WARNING! "Worn" - I looked the word up on dictionary.com. I'm not sure why, but I know that often times my definition of the word is more about feelings than the actual meaning, so I looked the word up. Funny, it meant, what I felt, "exhausted, spent, fatigued, diminished in value". I have been working (2) full times jobs for the last nine months. I am finishing/leaving one and continuing the other job. Somehow, I thought I would feel elated, now at least half my time would now again, be my own. But, alas, I feel, like the word for this week! "WORN" In between, working two full-time jobs, my ... Continue Reading »
Drift – IF
When I think of the word "drift" I automatically think of walking aimlessly, trying to find a place to call home. I guess that's what a "drifter" is. But it's not a word I hear often, but when I do, it has a sinister connotation to it. But, I choose not to claim the word drifter as negative, in my romantic mind, a drifter is someone destine to walk finding solace in the walk and having no place that calls them home. Home is where they are at the time they are drifting through. Let your feet, heart and mind drift, it's call peace. ... Continue Reading »
Crave – IF
This is the first thought I had when I read the prompt for this week. I do not have time to add color, but I think the general idea is there and I needed a gentle way back. When I was a new Mom, I often wondered who's craving was bigger? Mine to give milk or my babies to receive. I think it was a mutuality that turned to love. It brings a whole new meaning to the question, Is it better to give or receive? I'm happy to be back after a much needed break! Peace to you all as you give and receive this week. ... Continue Reading »