Every year I set an intention on some inner work that needs to be done in my life. My word this year is Courage. I've created an art journal to reinforce my the impact of this word in my life and to capture my visualizations of my thoughts on Courage. It would appear, that since I've set this as my intention, there are many challenges calling me to actively live this word! Sometimes, this word calls me to respond quickly; sometimes physically and at times vocally. Other times it calls me to do the most simplest of things; yet, it is something that is the hardest to vocalize out loud. So I do what is the least vocal on the outside for me, ... Continue Reading »
Mixed Media
Moving Forward…
January has been a month of digging, in the tough and challenging consciousness. Ever since I chose the word "courage" as my word for the year, I've been battling some big fears and learning to trust my intuitive voice completely. It's the same fears, I battle when the darkness of winter comes...am I strong enough, confident enough, financially secure, smart enough, helpful enough, generous enough, doing enough...? My rituals and spirituality keep me nurtured. My family keeps me cocooned, safe and loved. As always in the dark nights of the soul, the light comes through, reminding me that there is balance and that fears will always be there, ... Continue Reading »
Grounding Myself In Courage
©2001-2012 Indigene Theresa Gaskin-- Image: "Brave Warrior") This year my intention is Courage. I did not come to this intent quickly or lightly, but through...the power of daily meditation, prayer, silence and deep listening. So what does this mean? This means I will not wait for fear to go away before I move forward with new ideas and dreams that need to be realized. The only way I can dissolve fear is to begin to move with it. I have heard, that the thing that stands in the way of us creating the life we want, will only go away, if we start creating it. Yet, this is the most fearful aspect of beginning that life! So like a brave ... Continue Reading »
Vanity or Confidence…
Illustration Friday's prompt for creating this week is vanity. It got me to pondering whether confidence is sometimes mistaken for vanity. Of course, I know the definition of vanity, but there have been times when I've mistaken someone for being vain, and after getting to know them, I realized that they had a confidence of self, that was enviable. Which brings me to my next pondering...do we see vanity because we envy the confidence of an individual? The lesson learned for me, is not to judge, since it is only when I get to know the person, do I begin to see the true self, and there have been times, when I would have missed out on knowing a ... Continue Reading »
Still Questioning…
"Question everything. Every stripe, every star, every word spoken. Everything." - Ernest Gaines I remember as a child, being asked to stop talking in class, a few minutes later, when the teacher turned away from the board, she asked me, "Are you still talking?" I remember looking at her perplexed and then replied, "Yes, because you're asking me a question, and I need to talk to answer you." Hmmm...I was sent home with a note from school that day! :) (Image: ©2011 Indigene - Title: "Dream Sequence 11") We are told to question everything, yet we are sometimes ostracized as being too inquisitive, attention-wanting, time-suckers, with a ... Continue Reading »
Scattered Thoughts and Actions
I have been super busy! Attending workshops, creating new work, gearing up for my Holiday Studio Tour, conference calls, video summits and taking care of my daily business routines! I've also spent some incredible time with new friends and old friends, (Thank you, awesome goddesses, you know who you are); which always fills me with love and adrenaline...:) My thoughts have been scattered, but focused...is that possible, you ask? Yes, because these scattered thoughts and actions are an abundance of energy, that I believe are coming together, to bring another dimension to my life, creating richer experiences for me. They are only scattered, ... Continue Reading »
Exploring the Mysterious
The spiritual and mythical lore of women have, through history been erased, plundered, burnt and forced into a non-important resource. I believe, all of these stories share an instinctual archetype and there is always an element of innate danger in anything mysterious, wild and uncontrollable. The mystery of the feminine is being reclaimed and etched into our psyche again. I love exploring the spirituality of the forgotten feminine, be it in dreams, myths, or truths hidden in mysterious legends. It is one of the things that my art allows me to explore...the mysterious! There is a Navajo legend of the Changing Woman. According to this legend, ... Continue Reading »