Warning: Get your sunglasses! Warning: Blinding vivid color! Exploring, the concept of animal totems and nature-based stories, there is a lot to be learn through nature, especially the animal kingdom. I adore bears and not just the cuddly plush toys. It's the real bears that I have an affinity for. The quiet, swift, adaptable, solitary, very protective of their young, independent, wild and ferocious bears. These traits are human traits, too! Many we can identify with. Many indigenous cultures, have myths and legends where animals are the main characters. The stories play an important role in teaching and continuing native traditions ... Continue Reading »
Mixed Media
Sitting With The Flux of Vulnerability
On my artist date today (a date with myself and art, outside my studio); I ran into an old acquaintance. It was a brief and lovely encounter. But what stood out to me, was when she asked me, "How are you?" I blurted out that I was in flux. When I saw her puzzled look, I quickly smiled to put her at ease, since the word "flux" sounds chaotic to some. Yet, it best describes where I am right now. The word, Flux means "continuous change, instability; constant movement. I sometimes take the meanings of words from the dictionary and in order for it to have meaning and relevancy to my life, I add a spin on it. Flux is one of those words. Why, ... Continue Reading »
Swarming with Dreams
It has been a long week full of exciting things, that I will reveal in time. It has also been a week of taking care of the daily things in the routine of life; you know the stuff, that you do, but you really rather be doing something fun. Oh well, there is always dreams... So after dreaming about birds again last night, lots of birds, lots of birds flying, the whole dream in blue, I decided to post my dream sequence image of swarming birds...:) Sometimes dreams help solve problems or give answers that exist or are needed in the conscious world, but sometimes dreams are just crazy nonsensical dreams. But, how do you tell? I'm open to ... Continue Reading »
Iconic Dread – Layering Process
As part of my "Dread" Series, I've created another painting which has an iconic presence. Icons in general culture is more like a symbol — for example, a name, face, picture, or even a person readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embodying certain qualities or maybe that represents something of greater significance, usually associated with religious, cultural, political, or economic standing. The painting began as a graphite drawing, layered with color, then layered with more color...again and again! The whole process of creating is a layered project, which begins as an idea sparked from a creative ... Continue Reading »
Meditation Home
As an artist, you create, enjoying the process and wonder at the end result (at least, I do)! When your art work finds a home, you miss it, but you know it has gone to a place where some else wants your creation to rest. I received this picture (taken with camera phone) from a collector in Indiana, showing me where "our girl" lives. I love the unique way she has formed a mediation alter out of it. Another wonderful idea for my goddess art. A way to salute your womanhood! Thanks Lucy, you're a doll to send this! :) May you continue to get the joy and peace you deserve. Peace to all. ... Continue Reading »
Deja-Vu and Studio Nook Chaos
In rearranging my studio nook and painting, life was chaotic! When you're working on a new painting, that you have to stop and start, there is that feeling of deja-vu! Yet, you know it's all real...lol! This is the beginning of the painting. I put several different symbols around the main part of the painting...and then...I changed my mind...and erased the symbols. I'm feeling the main character, but the symbols are eluding me. I was rearranging the studio as I painted, you know trying to multi-task and get as much done in the window of time I had. But, back to the painting... I erased all the ... Continue Reading »
Dipping Into Color!
After some surgery, I've been at home resting and looking out of my living room window. I happened to see a cardinal eating from the bird feeder in my neighbor's yard. I always see cardinals as the seasons changed, and they always whisk me to another dreamy zone. I am captivated by their color and songs. I love cardinals and hummingbirds, they continually rescue me from the mundane and add a natural sparkle to my surroundings. I dipped into some of the work I've done in the last couple of weeks, and this little darling came to the rescue! Color enriches life and this Cardinal Goddess has given way to spring time happiness! Just what a girl ... Continue Reading »