Another painting in my Goddess Series is Spider Woman. I'm not doing the goddess series in any order, other than they way that they come to me; nor do I have any idea how many paintings will complete the series, I'll let them determine that. This is a great educational process and fantastic artistic journey! Spider Woman is an important goddess among many southwestern Native American tribes. Spider Woman is responsible for bringing fire to the Pueblo, Tewa and Kiwa tribes. For the Hopi tribes, Spider Woman is a creator of the moon, and their emergence into the world. Spider Woman has the power to give and ... Continue Reading »
Mixed Media
Brave – Warrior
When I think of bravery, women always come to mind. Women are brave in caring for their loved ones; brave in how they carry out their work; brave in love and war; brave in transitioning the end of life. Women are the greatest creation in humanity. Celebrate all women in your life! Learn about how Women's History Month came into existence (click on link) and Happy Women's History Month! Work in Progress is shown below: part of the small and large scale goddesses I'm working on. ... Continue Reading »
WIP – Completion…set adrift again…
It is done! What began as night pacing (see my December 6, 2009 blog post); has culminated into the finale. I am now in that stage where the crescendo has ended. I have the feeling of not being anchored; I am adrift, until I delve into the next project. Of course, I'll sketch and create, but it is a different energy than being possessed by a painting screaming to get out! Sometimes the best way to describe the creative zone, would be mania, crescendo, then an anti-climatic feeling sets in, finally a sadness that it's over; and then peace, but...then it starts all over again. Remember to nurture your body, mind and spirit and being adrift ... Continue Reading »
Next Stage (WIP) – Obsession
I was in the "zone", (which is the preoccupation of obsessively creating an image), becoming so strong in my mind’s eye, that I am only freed from the zone by completing the actual work. I worked days, excessively on this image. I know that I feel exposed when I show any part of the process to anyone outside the zone of my head. I am aware that I am exposed. I took breaks, but it is the night of another day of obsessing over every little piece of it, adding, subtracting, pacing around the work, only stopping to take nature's breaks, which can be a nuisance when in the creative zone. It is only when the image is getting near the final ... Continue Reading »
Work-In-Progress – A Detail
Some of the details of my Work-In-Progress contain various symbols and snakes are one of them. Some cultures hold snakes in high esteem while other cultures despised them. There are cultures that associated snakes with medicinal powers or rebirth, such as the modern medical symbol of two snakes wrapped around a staff. The Judeo-Christian culture does not hold snakes or serpent in a kind light. The biblical tales of the Garden of Eden and the serpent's role in "tempting woman to trick man into the fall from God's grace" have contributed to the negative images of snakes in western culture. This deep rooted cultural biases accounts in ... Continue Reading »
After being confined to bed for a bit in December, the excitement of the holidays, returning from visiting my son in Arizona for Christmas, even more excitement awaited me upon my return to blog land! I am delighted to be the featured artist at the Manhattan Arts International - "Celebrate Herstory" for the month of January. What a wonderful New Year's Gift and not to mentioned birthday gift as well, this youngster (me) celebrated my 51st birthday on January 1, 2010! This year promises bigger, better, wonderful, joy and amazing friendships! I wish this for all and always in peace! Manhattan Arts ... Continue Reading »
Infinite – IF
Daily, I toil in a part of nature's paradise. I look out of my office window and see three enormous redwood trees. They form a semi-circle around a little rickety bench. There are days, when I sit on that bench, near these luscious beauties, which I have named "the three sisters". Wondering often, if they could speak, what infinite wisdom would they share. They are infinitely magical to me, changing the lines of their bark to peer at me in all kinds of shapes, color and forms. But, no matter the transformation of these "sisters", they always appear as women, whispering to me, daring me to discover their infinite wisdom. But, I cannot... ... Continue Reading »