For me, there is a mysteriousness, magical quality to being wrapped in knowledge, creativity and intelligence. I live In a society, where videos and fashion deems that less is better, I like the idea of being "wrapped". Putting politics, religion and power issues aside, I love the beauty of these women, wrapped, I created them as Muses, contemplative, looking to be called, ready to encourage all forms of creativity. (The original painting "3 Muses" was created and sold in 2008). Today, wrap yourself in the creativity of your muse. Peace to you all. ... Continue Reading »
Mixed Media
I've modified the color for the line drawing of last week's prompt, "Idle." I'm happy that it only took me a couple of days! With my schedule, I need to modify, to enjoy the worthwhile things in life! Please let me know which you like better, the line drawing (posted below this post) or mixed media color (this post)! Happy Week! ... Continue Reading »
Tango is a very specific word, so for me, that didn't translate into a lot of different meanings...humph...that was my thinking! Tango, I thought, well, I'll do a couple, dancing a classic tango move. Well, I can't begin to tell you how this simple thought turned into an illustration, that wore me out! :) First, I drew a profile of a woman. I then cut it out using black paper. Next, I drew a rose on a piece of scrap watercolor paper, painted it with ink and water color. Then I drew and outline of a couple doing a tango move and then collaged it, using this week's newspaper coupons. All that was so much fun! Then, the frustration hit the ... Continue Reading »
Drift – IF
When I think of the word "drift" I automatically think of walking aimlessly, trying to find a place to call home. I guess that's what a "drifter" is. But it's not a word I hear often, but when I do, it has a sinister connotation to it. But, I choose not to claim the word drifter as negative, in my romantic mind, a drifter is someone destine to walk finding solace in the walk and having no place that calls them home. Home is where they are at the time they are drifting through. Let your feet, heart and mind drift, it's call peace. ... Continue Reading »
Subtract – IF
Subtraction is an odd word to illustrate, especially while living in a culture where "more" is considered better and I see daily how that's taken over the top! Maybe taking away is an answer, not a punishment. My thoughts on Illustration Friday's word, "subtract" led me to the image of a Geisha, where I subtracted the background, to make you more conscious of the individual. The simplicity of beauty is evident, but a paradox, in the way I'm using it, since Geishas, wear many added layers of clothing. So in this image, you can think about the addition of many garments or the subtraction of environment. There's a lot to ponder in a ... Continue Reading »
Intricate – IF
Lately, I've been working out some dream issues, which to me represent the most intricate designs of the mind. Most days, I'm not sure what my dreams mean...hmmm...maybe they mean, I'm just anxious for Spring, or bracing myself for more of Winter, or missing that hour I lost for daylight saving time or ...there's always the off chance it could be just indigestion! :) lol! I'm just spending time trying to figure out the intricacies of what they about you? Dream any good intricate ones lately? I'll meet you in the dream world. Peace ... Continue Reading »
Instinct – IF
I cannot wait for Spring, because Winter does not always bring pleasant thoughts! This was originally going to be a drawing of a Mama Polar Bear and her Baby Cub, just a little animal instinct, and lo and behold, I fell asleep with the local news on after watching a nature documentary so... (figure study for Bear Series (there will be no guns in the series!) I awakened, with a question, so if you leave comments, I will read them to listen for some answers. Here goes... Human instinct is supposedly more colorful in its width and depth than any other being. Many humans are taught to believe that this instinct is a combination of curiosity, ... Continue Reading »