(See Art & Healing - Part 1 of 3) Therapy was mandatory and medication was an option. Yet, the thing that got me through the daily grind of loss was art. I found that art helped me heal in ways I never thought imaginable. There is an established field of art therapy that is used as a healing practice by many therapists and medical facilities and I highly recommend it to anyone as a form of support and help, since everyone works through their own grieving and healing process differently. My approach to art healing me was entirely intuitive. I didn't have a standard; who sets one for grief?! My state of mind was not on beauty or ... Continue Reading »
Iconic Dread – Layering Process
As part of my "Dread" Series, I've created another painting which has an iconic presence. Icons in general culture is more like a symbol — for example, a name, face, picture, or even a person readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embodying certain qualities or maybe that represents something of greater significance, usually associated with religious, cultural, political, or economic standing. The painting began as a graphite drawing, layered with color, then layered with more color...again and again! The whole process of creating is a layered project, which begins as an idea sparked from a creative ... Continue Reading »
Thank you all for your wonderful messages and prayers! These are somewhat difficult times for me in so many areas and I need some time to just think, weep and process. I just wanted to say a "BIG THANK YOU" to all those who have written and/or called me. Please forgive me for not getting back to you in a timely fashion. I have taken some time off and expect to be back soon. Thank you again! May peace surround you and all that you touch. ... Continue Reading »
Theory – IF
This post brought about so many thoughts, such as theory of evolution, theory of the big bang, theory of art, or are all theories about math...not...if it's all about the math, then I'm screwed! lol!Process: Brainstorming, Research, Application: Paper, pastel, oil pastel, ink, color pencil, collage = THEORYSo I decided to do a combination of big bang, evolution, birth and stages of man. So the end result is my renditon of theory for this Illustration Friday. ... Continue Reading »