It's been a busy time for me; creating new works in the studio taking a couple of online classes and de-cluttering my bedroom! All in all a productive time. I've also been connecting with my friends more, both on-line and in person, I guess warm weather and sunshine is a great motivator. A couple of weeks ago, an amazing woman, Deanna Jinjoe, from A New Day Art Studio invited me to participate in a Blog Tour, one that's been going on for a while, with many wonderful studios involved! So in order to participate, I'll answer a few questions and then introduce the next couple of ladies who will continue on the Blog Tour. So here we ... Continue Reading »
Self-Doubt Remedies
“I don’t think there’s any artist of any value who doesn’t doubt what they’re doing.” ~Francis Ford Coppola I had lunch with a friend this week, who is one of the most confident women I know! We talked about how we question ourselves and she was feeling some self-doubt after a very intense meeting. After some deep breaths, and guided meditation in the middle of our lunch, she moved passed it and we enjoyed our time together. It was our conversation about doubting ourselves that remained with me, so I decided to elaborate more here. Self-doubt is something that plagues everyone at some time or another. We may be going along, feeling ... Continue Reading »
Time With Fear…
I am not moving forward with my goals this week. I paused. Fear crept to the surface. I just walked away from the fear. I tried to push the it down…It is helpful to talk to my fears, if I can manage to be compassionate with them. If not, my insides turns into a war of the worlds scenario and I have a melt down. I have no compassion for fear right now. All I have for it, is anger and frustration. The thing is, I thought I was done with fear. Done! I have no patience for it and I have no time for it. The facts show there is no reason for it. Yet, it persists - why? My soul whispers to me, “Because it’s a fear. Fears are unreasonable, ... Continue Reading »
How To Decide Whether an Online Course is for You…
I've taken quite a few online classes; some fantastic and some just mediocre. What I have learned is that not every class and every person teaching a class is necessarily going to benefit you or be a great fit for you! My fellow blogger from the UK, Tara Leaver of Tara Leaver, Art Words & Creative Encouragement has written a wonderful blog post, "how to decide whether an online course is for you." So instead of repeating the information, she's written, I suggest you head over there and check out this informative blog post. You can always come back over here and let me know what you think and please tell Tara I sent you over! ... Continue Reading »
Choosing An Art Journal…
To begin art journaling you don't need a whole lot of supplies, but you do need a journal. Choosing a journal is a personal decision and there are lots of choices out there. Here is a list of the common types of journals I use along with my two cents of opinion! Hopefully, this is helpful, when you decide to begin or continue your first/next art journal. Bound Journals This is the most obvious choice for beginners, a bound sketchbook. My Pros Large variety of sizes. Available at many stores. Variety of paper weights. This is a great easy choice for an art journal; they have a wide choice of selections and you're sure to ... Continue Reading »
Sharing Vulnerability
I come to the internet to check in with other artists, research and to be inspired. I love seeing new techniques and examining for ways that will make my ideas into reality. It's an amazing time for artists to explore their creativity. I also love sharing what I've done. I'm embrued with many ideas that I want to share! So today, with ice weighing heavily on the trees, and time off from my day gig, I wanted to share some of the ideas I've working on from my journal pages. I have several journals, and at any given time, I'm using one of them as an experimental journal, where I test out ideas and techniques. I haven't been posting a ... Continue Reading »
Working my way back!
Let's see...what's been happening in my world in the last six months: I moved; My daughter graduated from high school and is now in her freshman year in college; My son moved to Austin, TX; I started I a new part-time job (non-art related); Setting up my Studio Nookery...again' We are now semi-empty-nesters! So I've been a little busy! I've worked a lot in my art journal. It's my "go-to" place, when things get hectic or out of control or any of my whatever moods. When life was at its most hectic, it's my go-to option. I'm often asked what about this is so inspiring and what keeps me doing it. So if you're wondering, if this is ... Continue Reading »