To begin art journaling you don't need a whole lot of supplies, but you do need a journal. Choosing a journal is a personal decision and there are lots of choices out there. Here is a list of the common types of journals I use along with my two cents of opinion! Hopefully, this is helpful, when you decide to begin or continue your first/next art journal. Bound Journals This is the most obvious choice for beginners, a bound sketchbook. My Pros Large variety of sizes. Available at many stores. Variety of paper weights. This is a great easy choice for an art journal; they have a wide choice of selections and you're sure to ... Continue Reading »
Basic Training
Since I've moved, I've been in a different mind set, where I'm focusing more on creating art journals and altered books and small mixed media pieces. I'm nervous about these changes going on, because people get used to seeing you do one thing and that's what they continuously expect. I can't stay in the same place forever, people grow and change and that's what my art is doing. I will still do paintings, but I will also be connecting through art journaling, which is personal and therapeutic. Since it's been so healing for me, I want to begin to share this process with others I started art journaling years ago,it's just that I didn't ... Continue Reading »
Continual Starts…
I totally underestimated the force of transition, change, and new starts; and that's what's been happening around here. My heart and my soul is waiting to exhale! And I definitely didn't anticipate how hard it would be to move and change our lifestyle. We have poured so much of ourselves into our children and the nest that is our home in the last twenty years. I've moved a lots of times, as a child and as an adult, yet this time was very different. We are rebuilding our lives back into a couple, which is very different from working as a family unit. We are now, parents to, two adult children, who have grieved the loss of parents, ... Continue Reading »
Sharing Vulnerability
I come to the internet to check in with other artists, research and to be inspired. I love seeing new techniques and examining for ways that will make my ideas into reality. It's an amazing time for artists to explore their creativity. I also love sharing what I've done. I'm embrued with many ideas that I want to share! So today, with ice weighing heavily on the trees, and time off from my day gig, I wanted to share some of the ideas I've working on from my journal pages. I have several journals, and at any given time, I'm using one of them as an experimental journal, where I test out ideas and techniques. I haven't been posting a ... Continue Reading »
Working my way back!
Let's see...what's been happening in my world in the last six months: I moved; My daughter graduated from high school and is now in her freshman year in college; My son moved to Austin, TX; I started I a new part-time job (non-art related); Setting up my Studio Nookery...again' We are now semi-empty-nesters! So I've been a little busy! I've worked a lot in my art journal. It's my "go-to" place, when things get hectic or out of control or any of my whatever moods. When life was at its most hectic, it's my go-to option. I'm often asked what about this is so inspiring and what keeps me doing it. So if you're wondering, if this is ... Continue Reading »
Collectors’ Delight
The people who buy my art, delight me in so many ways! I have wonderful conversations with them, we share heartfelt stories and we are both passionate about my art. Here are a few of those amazing individuals who bought my art and sent me pictures, to show me their delight and the places where "our" art hangs. My painting is the one in the center. This collector has to hang his paintings high, since he has an adventurous cat! :) The painting, "Elephant Dreams" was a commissioned mixed-media piece, that included antique buttons, gold leaf and sculptured mini faces. You can read about it on my blog post ... Continue Reading »
Liebster Award and Blogs for You to Enjoy
I discovered that Sumaiyah Dymonz Yates gifted me with an award on her blog. I am so grateful and am delighted to take this opportunity to share some blogs with you. ABOUT THE AWARD This award was designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion. Once you've been nominated, you award it to five blogs that you like that have fewer than 200 followers, to encourage new visitors to visit these blogs. RULES FOR ACCEPTANCE Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their ... Continue Reading »